

The Dreambeing of Wisdom
While I was asleep, I came across an entity (entity because I don't remember what It looked like), well, more like the entity came across me. My dream went like this.
I was just lying down on my bed, even in my dream, then this entity walks in, I acknowledge It, then It comes and sits near me. Then It just pulls a cap out of nowhere. (Mind you, it pulled a bottle cap from nowhere)
Then it tossed it up in the air, and the room changed. My bed was still there, along with this entity but the room had changed into nothingness, like Infinite nothingness. (Something along the lines of, I couldn't see anything and yet I KNEW there was nothing there)

Then this entity just starts talking to me, it goes as follows: (E = entity, M = myself)

E:"Do you think about anything recently?"

M:"Not really, don't have much of a feel for it anymore."

E:"This is your mind, try thinking of something."

M:"Ok", *without thinking*,"Stars!"
*Entire room is filled with stars*
(Not just dots either, like full close up kind of stars, like gas giants and stuff)

E:"That's more like it, I don't like seeing nothingness. Life should be full of stars just like this place."

M:*gets angry for unknown reason*, " What is the meaning of life anyways!?"

E:*sigh* "All of you ask the same questions everytime", *waves hand and we zoom very close to one star, shining bright yellow*, "the meaning of life, M, is a star."

M:*now calmed down but very confused*, "I don't understand?"

E:"Nobody ever really does.",*stands up, or more like... Levitates?*, "It gets boring explaning the same thing over and over",*levitates a bit closer to the star*,
"Life is like this star. At the very least, it was supposed to be. Tell me, M, what is this star doing?"

M:"Burning up?"

E:*no reaction, cause clearly It gets these kind of answers alot* "Well yes, but also.... Its shining, giving light in the darkness, helping things grow thrive, it is very, very important and each is unique. Even when they die, they go out with a bang!
That, M, is how life is supposed to be lived. Full of happiness shining bright, not just for you, but for everyone around you. You are supposed to help each other grow and thrive, and help them get through darkness..., That is how I made life to be..."


E:"Help everyone, M, get them to understand so that they may get others to understand,
A star that dies makes enough energy for a new star to be born. Help them understand so that one day I might meet someone who asks me a new question, something that'll maybe make me think."

M: *doesn't know what else to say*

E: "I have given you knowledge, now you give it to others.
Goodbye, M."
*Proceeds to flick me in the middle of my forehead*

M: *procceds to wake up almost jumping out of bed with a start*
"What the heck..."

End Dream.

(Yeah so this happened, dunno why im doing what It told me to but It did sound quite reasonable.
So, yeah. Here's that.)