

Her Unseen Sacrifice: A Mother's Love

Sahil was a boy who had only his mother. His father died when he was very young. Sahil's mother meant everything to him. She had lost one of her eyes, and Sahil hated it, but he never told her. His mother worked very hard to support him. She saved up enough money to send Sahil to school.

Sahil enjoyed his school life. One day, there was a science competition at school where students had to bring their parents. Sahil didn't tell his mother about it because he was afraid his classmates would make fun of him for her missing eye. That evening, while Sahil was out playing, his mother found the notice about the competition. She thought Sahil had forgotten to tell her and decided to surprise him by going to the school the next day.

When she arrived at the school, Sahil was embarrassed and angry. His classmates teased him, saying, "Is that one-eyed lady your mom?" Sahil rudely told his mother to leave and not to show her "ugly" face there. His mother was heartbroken but said nothing. She cried a lot but never mentioned it to Sahil.

Years passed, and Sahil became a wealthy businessman. He left his mother in their old house and never sent her any money. One day, his old school invited him as a chief guest for an event. On his way back, he decided to visit his old house.

When he arrived, the house was empty. He called out, "Maa!" but there was no answer. He found a stack of letters on the table and started reading them. Each letter described a mistake Sahil made and how his mother forgave him. As he reached the last letter, tears filled his eyes.

The letter read: "My dear son Sahil, do you remember the science competition 12 years ago? You told me to leave because I had one eye. My dear son, have you ever wondered how I lost my eye? When you were very young, you were in a road accident and lost your eye. I gave you one eye of mine.
My son don't cry if you are reading this letter because if you cry, it will be my eye shedding tears. So, my dear son, always be happy. If you are happy, I will be happy too."


● Really Mother's love is unconditional and selfless. She sacrifices everything for her child's happiness, even if it means enduring pain and heartbreak. We should never take our parents' love for granted and always cherish and respect them, for their sacrifices are often far greater than we realize.

● I hope this story resonates with you and touches your heart. Thank you for reading.
© Prakash