

The keeper of many things.
I am the keeper of many things.
I have dozens of buttons, and all kinds of strings. I have have three nice paintings, from dude's who aren't dead. I also have 4 big novels, in which I've never read. I have a box full of trading cards, at least 1 or 2 of each kind. I have rackets and tennis ball's, which I'm sorry but I can't find. I have a wall of trophies and I've never even tried out or played sports. In fact I don't know who any of them are, but I bet they were really good. I have a crate full of tapes, at least that's what Dad called them. They must be old because they don't stick anymore, I tried everything and it just falls to the floor.

Oh yes I'm the keeper of many things, so much that I can't stop. But Mom told me, my rooms a mess and i have to clean out all of that junk!.
WHAT! "I said at the top of my lungs, as i was really upset. How can mom say my collection is junk doesn't she see? All the time I've put into these things.
After Mom calmed me down and and we had a little talk. I started looking around at my collection and thought that maybe a couple things, I ought.

Humm. YEAH!!!
I'll open a museum, and display all my things. I'll make signs around the neighborhood too. I will set up some tables where people will can see, and I can even hang the museum's sign, in the tree.

My signs are all done! Displayed, up the street and down.
so ecstatic, to see who shows up from around town.

Waiting... in felt like forever.
...impatiently, frustrated now about to close the garage door.
- Just then...
I heard an old womans voice. She asked me, "what's all this for?"

I responded with a shrug and asked, "Did you read any of my signs?
She said yes! "I tried to."
"I mean I couldn't make it all out, but I understood the main idea!" she explained in an age appropriate demeanor, as he is only a 2nd grader.
"I knew it was you once I finished reading it or trying to read it", she added.
The boy almost interrupted, "How did you know?"

"Well for one thing, you and your sister are the only two youngster's, in our neighborhood for many years!" the old woman replies with a gentle and trusting laughter.

"Okay now, let's see this yard sale!" "I love yard sales." "I use to have them when I was your age". The woman continues rambling.

" ...Wait! ..I mean excuse me...."

"... But W-What is a yard sale?" The boy asks.
...."Weill I guess the best way to describe it... It's when you gather up all the things that you no longer use or that you have no more room." You clean it up, set it up outside then post some signs." The woman generously explained.
"oh and can't forget about , what your going to want for the your stuff. "
"Well look, lady!
I'm the keeper of many things!" The boy corrected. "I have, 100s of buttons and countless sets of strings." and this...."
"This my museum!" This is my collection!"
The boy retorted, with a boastful, arrogance.

. and here!" - these are my collections! " He continued.

The little woman, tried not to laugh, as she experienced the joy's of adolescence .

...Instead, she went to the first table that she saw.

. . . . . .

"- Oh my! ...it's a..."
" is this a fishing net?" asked the woman. She was puzzled. She had to remind herself of the innocence of a young imagination.

" Yup, sure is!", the boy responded excitedly. "I also have a tank." he added.
"Very nice!" the woman acknowledged.
"I have some fish. but my tank is cracked. "I was cleaning it and accidentally tapped the side with a scrub brush. " I've been using duct tape." The woman described .

. . ."In fact this tank is the same size and would be perfect!" she ponders.
"May I offer you $15 for the tank and net.?"

"Wow, really?" The boy wasn't given that much before. Well other than Christmas and his Birthday. He only gets $10 every 2 weeks for allowance... and that's as long as; he don't get in trouble and he does his chores!

He didn't have to think about it long...
It's not like he even wanted to put fish in it.....

" Mmh -
..sold!" he blurted out loud.

"Well,thank you very much."
she began..."
"...your welcome !" he retorted.

The woman continued to study the collection of trinkets, odds, ends and the most common reference....
...(junk) which she kept to herself.
She remained at the three books. Intentfully reading the back, like I do, with my cereal box!

When she came across The book she recognized it. and she started to tear.
"As the writing in the book contains my story!" "Not only my story but millions of people's story..

"..i was a only a girl, .. in the beginning. (the woman sobs softly)

The little woman startled the boy.
"What is it, which one is your story?" The boys asked, concerned.

"This book, right here." the woman responds, now holding above her head..."
"I've looked in all types of book stores with no luck if finding this, book." I have dozens of fakes, but haven't seen the authentic book in about 20 years ....
then one day...
"This day..... here it is! "

She told me how she and her family, went through something awful in her country, "Germany!

"Being vague, the woman states her family, the neighbors and everybody else's neighbors... had to leave our homes! -without any notice." "Police came to everybody's home and took us to a place, that was very strange.' " So strange, that I even got separated from my mother. " She said, a very soft and broken manner.
Her thoughts.. were now consumed with flash backs... looking down at her feet until she snapped out of it, and rose her head up to see the boy looking with concern... she's reminds herself of the complexity of the subject and that it's not appropriate for a boy.
....... "oh well, that was a long time ago, anyways about this book...." speaking slowly.
"My friend, Anne was from my neighborhood and went to the same school; wrote this book!"
"Her name was Anne Frank. And she was a brave girl." Who would later become famous for this diary." she concluded.
...that's all I can tell you, Son." 'Your too young for the rest... but trust me you will learn about it in school! "

As she wipes her tears, she looks at the boy and says...
"I'll give you $200 for the book", if you want to sell it to me? that is!" The little boy's eyes grew;as he silently nodded, Yes!

The little woman paid the boy for her things. "I'm very thankful that you sold these to me since; your such a collector."Your museum is very cool! by the way."

"Thank you, but I changed my mind it's not a museum!" the boy exclaimed...
It's a yard sale!

The little woman giggled, as she walked back towards her house.

The boy was stuck in thought for a moment then closed the garage door.

He was nervous to tell his mother, out of fear she'd be upset. "Mom, I just had a yard sale, and I made this!" motioning his mother to look at his money. He told his mother about the woman, and the book.

Instead of being mad, she was proud of her young boy, just seven years old. Making big choices. She smiled at him, and hugged him tight, with a light kiss on the forehead. "You know what, you really are?..." The boys mother asks. . . . .

"The keeper of many things!"
written by:
Amber M. Alexander

.... stay safe out there folks, also open your eyes.

..."Believe half of what you see,
and none of what you hear!" Protect your family,
and stand up for your God, given rights to make your own choices, be part of the collective and not made into one of billions statistic's. .
-- crying.gemini.369
- crying.gemini.369