

The view in his heart
It was 2 am when she woke on her back a full view of the ceiling in a king size bed his bed. Morgan remembered where she were as her eyes moved around the moonlit room to the big window. The view quietened her spirit but her soul stirred.
Everything was so quiet so still she was the only thing moving as she turn over
to better her look. The moon hung over the far right corner of the lake making the entire lake visible.
Wow she thought that is beautiful
I've seen full moons before but this view.
Morgan got out of his bed quietly walked to the living room to leave.
Hey, he said let me walk you home.
I thought you were asleep she said.
Well you see when there is a beautiful woman in my bed I can't sleep.
You don't drink do ya he asked sitting up.
Why you say that she asked.
Jack just looked slipped his shoes on walked over and opened the door.
Morgan lived on the other side of the lake. Her house was a two story three bed two bath that her late husband built facing the lake.
Jack's was a two bed two bath mostly made of black cherry beside the lake. As he walked her home having a headache she didn't say much
Look not being ungrateful but why didn't you just take me to my house. Your house was locked and your keys were in your purse I had mine in my hand. No man goes through a woman's purse he said.
With an attitude she said you could have woke me and asked me for the key. She wasn't mad just embarrassed
that he was seeing her this way first impressions you know.
It was about 3 the moon was still high and bright the night was beautiful.
They walked slow not really talking just taking in the night really.
Nither one of them would comment on it but it was nice the moon the water the walk.
After they got to her place, would you come in she asked. No thanks it's late. He stood there with one foot jacked up on her bottom step
goodnight he said as he walked away.
Morgan watched until he was out of sight got a shower and got into bed.
Her window view wasn't as beautiful as his but it was still beautiful.
She tossed not being able to get back to sleep. Her mind raced thinking what must he think of her being drunk finally she fell asleep.
Jack is a college basketball coach he transferred from Beachton NY to Lakelen University where Morgan is the councilor.
They never talked before not even when they saw each other at home
just waved. At the school party
she noticed him watching her a glance here and there as the night went on. She went to the party with her friend Sandy who is an English professor at the college.
The summer vacation party the end to end to rest. The next morning a headache reminded her why she didn't drink. Not feeling well
Morgan lazied around all day being grateful for not having to be anywhere
That evening she looked out to see a fire and Jack fishing so she walked over. Jack just looked at her, I came over to thank you for last night thank you. She noticed that he wasn't very talkative not vocally but those eyes they said a lot of things.
Jack shook his head he went to get another chair Morgan sat down.
Do you fish he asked,
not since my husband passed she said.
The reel in front of her started to bend
he didn't move just looked as it to say you got a bite. She held the reel but this fish was giving her a fight as she reeled him in.
Nice he said, she had reeled in the biggest bluegill that she ever caught. Now that's dinner Jack started setting up to cook out on the lake.
Throw more wood on the fire he said walking away. Morgan only came over to thank him now she's catching fish for dinner and heaping up a fire.
After some time he came back with a folding table and other things in a bag.
Morgan was starting to relax into the evening of fishing.
Hey Councilor, can you give me a hand please? She followed him in the house to the kitchen it was nice. You have to excuse the mess he said the mess was two plates in the sink.
Jack tossed a salad in a big bowl get that bottle of wine he said we've got to get back.
Hey Councilor get some seasonings up there over your head, I never saw so many spices he has good taste.
The only place that I've ever saw that many spices was in the store she said.
When we got back to the lake both reels had fish on them.
Jack looked at Morgan as they reeled the fish in.
I'm not going to say who fish was the biggest. After he landed his he started to prepare to clean them. Now I remember why I don't like fishing the cleaning Morgan said. Things were nice the fishing the evening air the company.
The feeling of new friendship felt nice a kinda familiar a missing renewed.
You know that kinda feeling where it slightly touches ya where you want the touch most. While cleaning the fish he would just look up at her what she asked.
He'd shake his head and go back to cleaning the fish. There were two pans on the table one to wash after cleaning the other to batter. Jack's reel started shaking he looked at her what she said that's your reel. Jack put the fish in the pan and ran to catch the fish. By this time they had four all nice size bluegill.
He sat his reel again don't you think we have enough she said. Fish yes,
fishing no it was starting to get dark and the moon was starting to peek.
They ate dinner afterwards they both sat enjoying the night and the fire. Jack leaned back in his chair,
so Councilor what made you want to be a councilor? People she said some people don't have anyone that they can really talk to. I figure if I'mma councilor anybody can talk to me.
What made you want to be a coach?
I like the respect, or the feel of it but a councilor. What's wrong with being a councilor? she asked. Morgan got up to put more wood on the fire.
I didn't say that there was anything wrong it, it's just that a councilor is always working. Oh I see is that what you think is happening now? Jack we're just talking isn't talking the way to get to know someone? You're not going to think that I'm counciling you everytime we talk? Look I'm just trying to get to know you and what better way?
I've noticed that you're not very talkative, not vocally anyway. There was a slight breeze blowing which made the fire stronger. Morgan felt kinda shy now when he looked at her
she turned her head. The way the flames flickered on his gave her a familiar feeling. They were both standing at the fire Morgan wouldn't look him in the eye. He would look at her over those flames and it made her entire body uneasy.
Morgan knew that the feel of attraction was starting to build.
Jack this was nice evening I mean everything I enjoyed it but I think I better leave. Yes he said. He walked her home. When Jack got back to the fire yes Councilor it was nice especially the company he said to himself.

© owina