

Uncle Tom
I was seven years old when my mom decided to get married again after my parents had divorce a few years ago.
It was noon we had a dinner in the house of my grandparents when my mom announce the shocking news.

I looked at the face of my grandparents and saw disappointed face, but mom didn't see it because she is to excited to give the details in how he met the man, what is his job and who is.
I never had a chance to met the man my mother madly fell inlove she is to furtive in many ways.

Saturday 8:00 in the evening a man in tuxedo arrived in our house with a car so glamorous. He winked at me give the sweetest smile and he held me his gift wrapped .
"Hello boy"
I didn't not replied and I didn't get the gift he was offering.
Then my mom came he greet him with a kiss and a hug. He introduced him as Tom Beckham.

We sat in the dining table, while eating we have a little chitchat Tom ask me so many questions which I responded One word or three words to be exact.

I observed Tom actions and the way he speak, he is a good looking man never thought my mom would catch a fish in the pond full of turtle. I heard that he has a big bussines in the city which I think my mom would go crazy about because she is to materialistics and so ambitious that is why my father decided to file a divorce cause he can't stand the attitude of my mother.
At such young age I never really like my mom and I don't even know if the love she gave was real or just a way to get my father financial support for me.

To be continued.