

Love Story (Daily)3
Sure but let's see who's calling" Gregs face went pale. I picked up the phone on the other side of the line was Stacy who in sweet voice said "Greg I'm sure, you must have convinced Richard that there's nothing going on between us your a genius. A genius I love" I stood there frozen for a while as she kept on muttering "Greg your a genius I love you" I kept on wishing this was dream I went and banged my head to the wall. I suddenly woke from the nap I was taking at school. I wonder such a strange dream but one I'd been having quite often.

Miss Stacy was our school teacher, as for Greg he was just someone I knew too well. God knows what I truly wanted after all I myself was confused at the age of fifteen. My mind playing tricks on itself, a very difficult phase. Yet one I was enjoying, through out the day in school all I would do was imagine nothing but me and Miss Stacy. She was my dream I knew she couldn't be mine but imagining her in my mind just made the excitement higher. I always prayed to god that she would some day be mine but I think I didn't pray loud enough.

To get her company I would purposely get in trouble, just to feel her touch, her smile. She may shout at me for she was the only person who had the right to do so. Greg was close friend of mine who knew of this extasy of mine and I knew of his. He too was in love. He never told me her name, but I knew that it was his teacher for when she was around he was in another world. I wondered could this be the way I look at Miss Stacy, when she mesmerises me with her blue eyes.

Today was her birthday and I decided to express my feelings to her to my surprise Greg was going to do the very same thing.
I left an anonymous card for her, Greg on other hand left a card for not his teacher but Miss Stacy. The mistake he made was mention his name, as she was going through the all the cards and gifts she'd received she spotted the only card with a name. She called out to him "Greg, can you please come here I have something I wish to ask you" she said in her gentle voice. He went to her shivering at first, "Best of luck" I said to him

They both then went out of class to have a private talk. Stacy asked "Only tell me the truth, do you mean each and every word you've written in the card" Greg looked into her eyes and replied "Yes I mean every word when I say. Your an angel on earth, when I look at you my pains go away. Please accept my love for I want you to stay" she blushed and kissed him after being sure no one was watching. Greg asked "So, your not angry?"
She replied "Angry? My dear I'm your angel, your angel of love and I'm here to stay" Greg kissed her back, after a few moments the both of them entered the classroom. Both of them had a smile and Gregs face was covered in lipstick.

End for 4/2/20

©Prince Parulekar

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