

I won't leave you 💖 chapter 8
I kept waiting to know what would happen ‎. ‏I could not move unfortunately ‎, ‏bec there were two men who held my hand so tightly that I could not resist ‎,,( ‏you liked my performance bec when I ask someone to ask you to say yes understand sweetie ‎,,) ‏he said with anger voice ‎,,( ‏I will never say yes to someone like you ‎,, ) ‏I said ‎. ‏he ‎got ‎angry ‎when ‎hr ‎heard ‎these ‎words ‎and ‎rised ‎thw ‎gun ‎towards ‎me he ‎was ‎about ‎to ‎pull ‎the ‎trigger ‎but ‎zach ‎entered ‎and ‎went ‎to ‎him ‎,,( ‏what ‎do ‎you ‎do ‎tommy ‎can ‎you ‎calm ‎down ‎first ‎please ‎,,) ‏ ‏he ‎said ‎. ‏Zach ‎used ‎yo ‎say ‎these ‎words ‎and ‎fear ‎in ‎a ‎sample ‎.. ‏so ‎passed ‎him ‎,,( ‏never ‎tell ‎me ‎to ‎calm ‎down ‎this ‎girl deserves ‎to ‎die ‎.Zach ‎said ‎in ‎fear ‎,,( ‏i ‎know ‎, ‏but ‎she ‎ia ‎not ‎used ‎to ‎the ‎situation ‎yet ‎,,). ‏i ‎told ‎them ‎,,( ‏you ‎are ‎a ‎coward ‎,,) ‏ ‏zach ‎put ‎a ‎hand ‎on ‎my ‎mouth ‎so ‎that ‎i ‎woud,t ‎say ‎anything ‎else ‎, ‏and ‎he ‎grapped ‎my ‎hand ‎tightly ‎we ‎got ‎out ‎and ‎when ‎we ‎arrived ‎in ‎a ‎quite ‎place ‎, ‏he ‎said ‎to ‎me ‎, ‏with ‎all ‎anger ‎to ‎my ‎face ‎,,( ‏yoy ‎are ‎crazy ‎, ‏how ‎do ‎you ‎do ‎this ‎?.‏i ‎told ‎you to ‎hand ‎over ‎the ‎goods ‎to ‎him ‎last ‎and ‎see ‎what ‎you ‎did ‎,,),,( ‏yes ‎i ‎did ‎this ‎. ‏and ‎it deserves ‎more ‎than ‎this ‎because ‎he ‎was ‎flirting ‎with ‎me ‎,,) ‏he ‎said ‎to ‎me ‎clodly ‎,,( ‏what ‎is ‎in ‎this ‎,,) ‏i ‎angrily ‎told ‎him ‎that ‎,,(there is ‎no ‎there ‎is ‎a ‎lot ‎bec ‎if ‎he ‎does ‎that ‎again he ‎will ‎be dead ‎or ‎arrested ‎by ‎the ‎police ‎you ‎and ‎he ‎,,) ‏i ‎left ‎it ‎and ‎went ‎home ‎.
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