

A very fine day venturing into the deep forest it happened to hear an oracle, the very piercing voice stopped me henceforth for conversation. As I looked around no one was here and there, if anything that was bounty of Nature surrounding me from every cardinal direction. It was nature wanted to share with me plight of the SOIL on her behalf.
Here, on behalf of the Nature in general and the SOIL in particular I would like to make a plea to all , whom I can reach through this piece of writing, for lending their hands in SAVING SOIL.
If we want to keep our and our yet to come generation’s existence intact the way it is for that we have to make arrangements for keeping the SOIL’S existence the way it was ab initio.
As a loving child of Nature, I would like to bring all of your valuable and insightful attention regarding one of the emerging subjects of this century. If not today then never…
Life began on Mother Earth around 3500 million years back, since then it is reverberating within our very constitutional structure (body).
The very fundamental which is cementing our body with soul, is FOOD, that we Introduce to our very digestive tract everyday so that walking upon this very beautiful planet keep happening. Since the time of Indus valley civilization( the ancient civilization on move around 2500BC in the Indian subcontinent) and its many contemporary civilizations around the world, we have increased our human populace many in numbers at the cost of this very land under our feet. It is 2022(stepping in 3rd decade of 21st century) , the time we say, we have come so far in terms of modernization with our State of the art intelligentsia and mechanical maneuvering yet we have many stomachs to go bed hungry… however, those who are well fed, gulping down only on quantity not quality, as we are loosing in required nutritional value of particular kind of food ( from fruit to vegetable to grain) . With the leap of time we have depleted the quality of our SOIL which assist us in flourishing and cherishing our lives. It is another matter that today scientific community moving towards mechanical way of farming ( like Aeroponics; farming without tilling the soil or no soil) could be good alternative but only for those who walk to digest the food not for those who walk for earning the food and above all would it have same richness , belongingness what one feels from the food generates from SOIL after a lot of toiling on the fields. For the nation like India whose constituence (people) are believer of primitive animism ( SURAJ DADA(Sun) & CHANDA MAMA(Moon)) where each one of us grows with the tales and lullaby of Natural phenomenon, not only India but every nation on the planet replenishes the same benefits. Being progeny of KISHAN (FARMER) I have natural affinity with LAND( WHICH gives me place to stand still) and SOIL( feeds me the quality and provide regeneration to the life I am moving upon), it is hard to witness its dilapidation.
This is humble request to each one of you to stand by the SOIL and initiate your journey to mark its … significance.
What do I think ; there is need to initiate #SOILYOGA… because as I found YOGA is a process helps individual to make feel synchronization with the vital energies moving this very life.
How this YOGA(#SAVESOIL YOGA) can be practiced?...
This process can be initiated just by taking a little walk on field you do farm or nature park bare foot . While doing so feel the soothing and calming heal and letting this all passing through body. Another way for those who are inaccessible to fields can be performed by putting their hands in flower pots while knuckles feeling the warmth and affinity with “Mother Soil” as skin is second mouth it feeds everything what it touches.
These are few ways out of many what I think could initiate us working in this direction…
This is not my or your or somebody else’s responsibility it is ours to help our planet in its regeneration and carve out a well decorated future for those who are yet to embrace life.
So stand firm and undertake this generational responsibility of
There is time to reap this intangible
love affair what is between You and Nation...

© Ser Nihilo