

Wings of Reckoning - Chapter Three: "Riding"

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Oberon is the most beautiful, elegant city in the northern central lands of Dragadunir. The city is around by treetop mountains that contains forests where the dragon folks lives and they roams the skies in the outskirts of Obreon in their dragon forms. Sometimes they do business with humans in the central city's area of Obreon. There's food markets, flower shops, a bakery shop, Java shop, library, jewelry shop, flower stalls, and many other things that sells everything in the kingdom from herbs, vegetables, perfumes and spices, wines, and other foods, and even some expensive fabrics, and art and craft galleries.
The King's castle sits high above the mountain range and on top of it, there's a large circular castle made of white marble and it is around by a giant blue crystal dragon statue.

A little dark blond haired boy that looks he could be 10 or 9 years old, who's wearing white tunic with a brown vest and brown sockings and black boot. He is running down from his father's shop and screaming down the road, "Minervanaians are coming!!!"

everyone begins to panicking.

"That's completely nonsense," said red bearded man who's runs butcher shop, who's wearing a dirty buttoned down tunic to his beer belly and striped breeches.

" I just saw an air bimp," the boy said then he pointed a triangle shape with bat wings that simmers colors of sunrise in the sky.

"That's a dragon folk in its true form, lad," The red-haired man said.

The crowd of located people and dragon folks claimed down and they thought it was a false alarm.

"Geez, Why my da wanted to keep everything's under wrap?," said Kass; to begins to wonder. He is riding Rori in her dragon form while she's soaring the sky by passed the central city area. He is wearing a leather chestnut brown riding jacket that double buttoned. His pants are leather trousers with bucketed striped and black bucketed leather boots. He's wearing striped tan velvet riding gloves.

' Your father don't want to cause panic,' said Rori in her dragon form by communicating with Kass through telepathy as known as mindspeak. She tilted her ash gray gecko head that cover with blue labradorite scales and horns are hints of gold, magenta and green toward back when she's flapping and spreading her treebranch that looks like they're covered with cobwebs and resembles stain glasses with mixture of gold, purple,teal, red and orange. Her Dragon body is looks like a giant short-haired black striped gray tabby cat and gecko lizard that covered in blue/teal scales with those delicated wings and a long serpent-like tufted tail.

"Are you getting tired of those wings?," asked Kass.

Suddenly Rori decided to dropped down to near hilltops and flew across a flock of geese.

"What's the heck of that about?" Kass exclaimed when he got attacked by geese.

'You are a freaking idiot to agreed on your father's arrangement with your engagement to Narcissa,' Rori roared angrily. 'I thought I known you are better than falling victim to your father's and Grayson's political game.'

Kass took a breath and he says, "I thought I could help Narcissa, because I wonder her country is endangered because of her father's killing your kinds."

'Kass, You hardly known Narcissa, and you only had met her at the Bouquet,' Rori mindspeaked claimly. She started to flying normal rated and they flies passed some trees then flew the sky.

"Rori, Maybe she's a bookworm like me, " he smile when he said.

'Or probably she's ruthless and greedily like her father,' Ror replied.

He lowing his and frown then he says, "I even feels sorry for her after she had told me that she had lost her arm in a mecha-train accident when she was little when she tried to get her younger brother's ball and she got her arm mangled into the machine."

Rory says in curiosity, 'Do when she told this?'

"Narcissa told me this when we are dancing at the Bouquet," he answered. "She told me that she reminded me of her bratty brother."


"I has been thinking maybe Steamcraft will be a suitable replacement as fuel source for Minervana,because Electromancy had banned since ages ago after people got afraid that electricity accidentally had summon spirits and spirits possessed over the machines," Kass said.

Rory signed, 'Only thing you think about is science.' She's flying through sky and they passed couple of mountains.

" I just want to find a solution for humans can use machines without killing dragons, and dragons and humans in a world that can cooperate each others."

"Claim down, maybe we should take break."

"You are right, Rori, there's a lot of things are my mind. It feels my brain was about to explode."

'Kass, I know a good place that we could hang out,' she snorted.

They flew over the mountains. There's a cave that have a waterfall and a creek next to it that around by pinetrees.

They landed next to the stream and Rori sat near the edge.

"Why don't you come up here?" Kass asks as he sat down beside Rori.

'I'm too big...' Rori answers. 'You'll be able to fit inside.'

'I'm okay, really...' He replies then began to laugh and shake his head at her.

Rori drove into the water and her dragon body's starting to shrinking down in the below of the water. Her body begins to losing her illuminated labradorite scales and her wings folds into her back, her tail is getting shorten. She merged out of the water in her human form.

Kass striped off his leather jacket, touslers and boots. He takes off his gloves to shown his scarred hands. He took off his plain white tunic to expose naked male torso but only things that he's wearing his breeches and his locket that his mother gave him when she had passed when he was really young. Only thing he has left of her that's a beautiful picture of her with golden blond hair and hazel eyes.

Kass ended up dipped into the water with his breeches.

Rori started to roll her eyes then says, "Why you always wears breeches when we goes out for swimming? Kass, You know me that I can't bite." Her head is resting on the rock with folded arms.

"1. I am a virgin; 2. I am getting marry to someone else," he explained. "3. You known me I'll feel embarrassed when I will get naked around others. I am not a dragon folk."

"You don't get embarrassed naked sometimes," Rori giggled. "You known most animals are naked and they aren't embarrassed about it."

"They are mostly covered in fur and feathers," Kass replied.

"Reptiles don't mind being naked. said Rori, she turned her head. "We dragons mates differently than humans." She whirled her left intex finger then it unleashed shimmering blue Dragonessense energy.

"Really?," Kass said in curiosity.

"When we are in our dragon forms, we'll use a quarter of our dragonessenses to combining them together through embracing ourselves each others with the elements and minerals of earth of Dragadunir around us in order to form an egg that contains a life," Rori explained.

"That's fascinating. I did not know dragon folks can do that," Kass amazed ,but he was disappointed by the this then he says, "That does sucks as being a human, because I think it does makes sense that dragons and humans can't able to crossbreed."

"Yes, it is." She agreed when she frowned.

"Rori, Do you think you always wants to become human, anyway?," asked Kass.

"Sometimes," Rori answered.


Kass gave Rori an extra tunic and touslers that he had packed for her after he putted back his tunic, jacket and touslers. They are sitting on a nest of treebranches that around trees. They has been eating wild Boar sausage, spinach, tomatoes, munster cheese fresh breaded sandwiches with elderberry jam and spicy creamy mustard sauce.

"Remember when we were little, we always dreamt that we could explore different parts of the Dragadunir?," asked Rori.

"Yeah, I remembered. I told you that I always wanted to go to Minervana when we were ," Kass answered.

"No, I'm referring the other places where dragons are hiding among humans and blending with them like Vegartric and Carnivava."

"You meant those places?," Kass asked in curiosity.

" Yes," Rori answered. "Like those places where there could might be people and dragons are there living peacefully."

" Now I remembered we pretended to go to Carnivava and joked about to go there. It's a place where dragons can party with humans, " Kass said when he smiled

"They dances and sings. They have festivals and art shows," said Rori, begins to get up and ends up dancing on hilltops.

"They even have mask masquerade. They're drinking boozes and playing musics all night long," said Kass, who started to laughing.

"If things didn't work out between you and Narcissa, maybe we should go places that we haven't seen before," she said. She kneeled down next to Kass.

"Maybe we should find places to get informations on history and lores of your kinds, Rori," Kass said, he begins to lay down and he putted his arms. "There's mysteries that hold out are there that we don't known much about the dragon folks."

Suddenly, a giant air bimp that made out of brass, gold and fabrics. It have wings of bats that looks like it dressed in golden fabrics. It fly above them. Its body is like a huge balloon full of helium filled with air. It was flying over them and aheading toward the city.

"A bimp!" Rori shouts. She looks at Kass.

Kass stared at her and takes a big breath then he says, "It's a Minervanaian's. It's Narcissa. She's here."