

My Lord, My Light
Hi, I'm Tiffany and I'm a Christian.
I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety through websites (I didn't visit the therapist) . I used to said I believe in God, but I didn't believe Him wholeheartedly. I used to came across suicide thoughts every now and then. I loathed myself. I hated this world and I had always wish I could be dead. The pain was so much for me to handle and for me to express. Until...
'It was just another normal night,' I thought as I got into bed. Little did I know this night is going to change my life.
That night, I had a dream.
Me and my beloved family were having a gathering with some relatives that we would rarely meet. We talked and chatted. We had a happy time. (I had this dream a while ago and the memory of that part of my dream was blurry) I remembered I went into the restroom. After I came out, six/eight ( I sincerely apologize for my blurry memory )monks came. Two in the front, two in the middle and two in the end, all lined up in two lines and standing closely together. My memory wasn't really good but I remember this part clearly. The monks had six dots on their bald head. Between two lines of monks stand a Man. He came upon me. He told me, 'I am Jesus,' And with the most majestic voice ever, He said, 'You are blessed.' He left, the monks followed Him. I couldn't help but stared with perplexity.
After I woke up, I was filled with joy and hope. I sweared to God that I will not have the desire to die or have any thoughts of suicide. I believed in God, fully and wholeheartedly. And now, I will spread His Word. If you are an atheist, I do not force you to do this, but if you want, please, believe in God. He is the only one who can forgive your sins and give you eternal life. He is the only one who can control this world. He is the only one who holds all the power in this world.
I truly love and believe in the one and only God. And I invite you to do so with me.

With Love,

© tiffanystories
#Jesus #Jesuschrist #Jesuslovesyou #religious #religion #iloveGod