

the assassin (part two)

Edgar Ainsley the end of the Ainsley bloodline. his father John Ainsley and his father before him and before him. had cared for the Ainsley manor the family's pride and joy. Edgar however resented the manor. the long halls the raised ceilings and the dead silence. his mother had died in that house. slowly and painfully she died from a rare parasite. nowadays we call it molecular decomposition they called it rot. skin rot to be exact to put the image in your head your skin falls off your body but it keeps you alive to keep feeding off your flesh. alive while your skin falls off your own body. Edgar watched as his mother slowly faded away never to be seen again. when this happened it hardened his heart. he had no simpathy for anything or anyone. his mother being his supporter for many of his formative years. her passing take quite the toll. it's hard to feel simpathy for men like Edgar but for him I truly feel sorry.


(back at the Ainsley manor) as Edgar sits in his chair in silence. through the silence the thump on the door echoes throughout the manor. Edward right this way the new servant says cheerfully. the new servant is named Jack. his friends call him jumping Jack and he love his job. he has a wife and a little girl named Jane. Allo Edward it's been how long Edgar says joyfully. to long old friend Edward beams. Edward is a middle aged man with a long beard no wife and no child and is fond of the drink. Edgar want to go down to the pub for a pint Edward says almost to seriously. I would love to but we have bigger things to do Edgar says. alrighty then says Edward
lets get started says Edward clapping his hands together. Edward searches the manor. aha! the poison yells Edward picking up a bottle of mimfyacine a potent toxin created as a by-product of a certain indian tea very rare very dangerous no smell no taste the only way to tell is the almost imperceptible film across liquid if your foods poisoned then it's over. by now the assassin getting ready for a more direct approach in the ballroom there are large rafter huge 3 ft wide 90 ft long the perfect place for an assassin to perch. the assassin writes a letter to the manor saying the queen is coming and to be ready for her arrival. a week later the ballroom has transformed into a room to behold somthing to make even the queen jealous marble walls high ceilings and rich mahogany a beautiful grand piano in the middle of the room. the assassin sent in a look alike of the queen down to the finest detail while the fake queen walked about the different guests and the sevants the assassin was perched high in the rafters ready to decend. Edgar was talking to the queen and Edward was listening to them. the assassin makes his final judgment and leaps from the rafters just then Edward sees the assassin and hits right in the face before he hits the ground and throws off the assassin's balance as well as his own but the assassin regains his footing a second faster and sprints for Edgar all the guests are on Edgars side and start to block the assassin but he's quick very quick he slides under one man and dodges a swing to the face leaps onto a table and jumps across a sea of people and lands right behind Edgar. Edgar is so caught up in talking to the queen he didn't realize what was happening behind him. as he turns around the blade sinks deep into his heart. the fake queen and assassin sprint towards the doors and make it outside where horses are waiting for them. as they ride along the road Edgar lies dying in a pool of his own blood and Edward swearing to end the assassin and his accomplice. THE END?

tell me if i should make a continuationof this series.
© MD