

you'll survive
it was just yesterday when i realised that this breakup doesn't hurt me anymore beacuse maybe his perception of beuty is manufactured but iam not. his wantings for big boobs..perfect hairs...body shape is what he is lacking n trying to find in others n thats the only lie we all hold up so long.
the thing that hes different from others is just a myth beacuase people who can't love you for who you are or what gift you are having are just the worng ones at a wrong place in your life.and gurl we r way above the shits we all are going through.
myabe its tiring for holding on to someone who just alws wants something more from you but never notices what you really have. i know its hard and heartbreaking to give up on someone with whom u have spent years ..those physicals attachment n emotionally torningg part moments but u r way above then those sex n those lies they told you just to use you beacuase your emotions are what your strenght is n what also makes you a fool..distarcts you from your gifts .you dont deserve a person who cant see you...who cant call you beautiful acctually meaning it.
it will hurt giving up on such people but eventually at the end of the day when you will lbe lying on your bed you will recall all the shits happened to you how people treated you and in the morning you will realise that you survived .and will alws survive above these things beacuse you are who you are n somebodys else perception of being perfect isnt going to change you.
i dont know who will read this but everyone whos reading this i just want you to know that this happened to me and the same happened to so many other people out there whome we dont know whome we never met but see we all survived n you will too.we are with you .just wanna say

''we need more love
not from others
but from ourselves''