

8 Letters
As I took this picture a feeling of peace and warmth touched me. I felt like I forgot the noise of this world and was entranced with this beautiful sunset. I personally like sunrises and sunsets. The reason for that is because It brings an atmospheric vibe of calmness, I do not know if that resonates with you too, but I'll just start getting into the point then. When I look at the sky and admire the creation of the creator, I just think in my wild imagination, how beautiful this earth can be and how ugly it can get sometimes. Life has a way of throwing love,fame,adoration,humbleness, hate, jealousy, treachery, evil, heartless,desparation...yes, and the endless list goes on. But I am going to give you some tips on how this restless feelings that you have can rest in peace for a moment, I do not mean rest in peace literally, just metaphorically. I wish you could just go to a place like the sunset in this picture, and discover how beautiful life is and what you are missing. We always want to be something, we see celebrities online and start to think that they are living their lives like royal families. Not understanding what real royalty is, we end up mimicking their lives, thinking that living like a certain actor or actress is cool because I watched this actor or actress in a movie and then we start to base their character in the movie to their real life character. You know the real part hurts to be said, but that is why it is called acting, they are playing a certain character that a director wants them to portray to its audience. One thing you have to put in your mind is that it's not real, it's acting, because in real when you meet this celebrity in real life through a meet and greet session for instance, let alone signing an autograph, the celebrity might not even look at you, you might shout at the top of your pounding heart, and he might just pass you like you are invisible. Then what happens? You start to become a troll online just because you were ignored by a celebrity who doesn't even know you exist, because based on your theory of love, you do not realize that what you are feeling is probably so real to you but fake at the same time, because what you are feeling is a fake character's love from a movie. You are not feeling the real love that you deserve from a person who can notice you from the crowd. By that I mean standing out from the crowd will not help you even if this celebrity notices you. Let me ask you, this itching question but I'll ask anyway, why are you so desperate to get an autograph from a PERSON you see in movies? Have you ever tried watching interviews of these celebrities, many of them are so different in real life, and that is what I am trying to tell you, and many at the same time are just being polite with the media because they do not want their image to be tarnished. But what's even funnier is that why are you seeking for love in an actor, I mean he ACTS, there's a 40% chance, that his character in a movie could be some what real or not. But I do not get why you want scream over a celebrity you see,like as if you have spotted treasure while you were snorkeling in the red sea. I mean, this celebrity is just a human like you and I, so what if he sang a best selling album, so what if his net worth is like that of Jeff bezzos (The owner of Amazon) so what?! Is Jeff bezzos ever going to give charity to countries like Yemen, Syria, Somalia, Palestine, Ethiopia, India and many other countries facing poverty and money crisis? The answers is a definite no. You know why? He might give charity to countries I might not be aware of but this guy might have a reputation of a billionaire but in God's eyes he is the most poor person mentally, you know why because if he had a newspaper thrown in his face, or if he ever switched on the TV to look at international news channels then he would see, how Indians are suffering from Corona virus, how many do not have access to health facilities because they have no money, no food, no business and then there's the richest of rich people who are living their lives to the fullest, they advise people to read books daily to seek knowledge, yet I wonder what kind of books they read, if they ever opened a bookstore there would still be something missing in that bookshop and I'll tell you why after I point out a few other things. How can someone plan a concert next year and write on twitter, "I am so excited for the concert in 2021" I would have written "smh" without hesitation because this guy can go to concerts and sell hundreds of tickets but he'll never think of the real world. These rich people will never think of what is happening in this world. People look at a country like Yemen, children are facing the worse of malnutrition cases until it has even become a curse to rejoice the birth of a new baby in that country, because that baby will not get milk, will not get proteins,fats and all the necessary nutrients to keep it developibg it's bones and immune system, and talking of immunity, children in this country are at the highest level of risks from getting infections because no vaccines are available, and then we have a narcissistic pathetic president like Donald Trump, this guy is an embarrassment not only to his society but to the world, and look at how he has handled Corona virus in his country. He always thought America is a super power country, so even Corona will say "Oh hey America, you are on the list of the super power country, umm, I think you are excused no Corona for your country trump, I've dismissed your country from the to of my list" Corona said.Just imagine Trump because that's how he thinks unfortunately. Even a kid in kindagarten thinks better than the IQ level of Trump. My point is these people are living lives while others have no food, no sanitation facilities, no vaccines, but you know "Oh I'm trump and I'll make America great again" well surely trump has made America great again, it has the greatest number of deaths and Corona virus cases world wide. Hats off to this narcissistic president. If only world leaders could put that missing book on the shelf in their library or book shop. There would be no calamities in this world. What is even more pathetic is a rich celebrity can switch on the TV and say "Oh my God look at what is happening in Syria, Yemen.." and still sit down comfortably and say " I just keep these countries in my prayers, May God help them" help them? Seriously. This celebrity has millions of dollars, but goes and blows his or her money, on parties, on Gucci bags, on Georgia Armani makeup and designer clothes, on Anastasia Beverly hills makeup, and also has the time for photoshoots with Vogue but sad is the fact that George Floyd's death shook the whole world but nobody said #yemenlivesmatter or#Somalilvesmatter , #Syrianlivesmatter, etc. and then we have Saudi Arabia, the neighboring country sitting on gold coins literally and can literally pay for all the facilities that these countries facing poverty needs, they say they are united, what united? They can watch small children dying in Yemen, mother's crying from the death of their children, what was their mistake? What was the mistake of an innocent child? I mean where has our humanity gone? Where has our humanity gone, and yet you have unconstructive things to think about like going to a concert, we'll have you ever thought about going to see real celebrities who will make you appreciate life rather than feeling ignored, invisible, unoticed and worthless just because you're favourite celebrities did not even take a glance at you. What is wrong people? People who are enriched with fuel,gold and trillions of Saudi riyals, yet they cannot help their neighbours, Yemen,Syria,Libya,Palestine,Lebanon,Iraq etc. But the Arabian king's or princes can buy a Ferrari for his beloved wife of the celeb can by a million dollar diamond ring for his fiance to be, and show it off to the world. He can show his riches but when he dies and faces God, he'll be poor you know why, because he had all the money in the world but yet the lame excuses came, that you know Corona virus has made us all suffer a loss, wow the lamest of lamest excuses someone who is famous can make. My people, if you were ever poor and still remember how it was to be poor, and you do genuinely help the poor, then I salute, but when you knew how it felt to be poor, on the brink of dying in a village you grew up in and forgot where you came from,then shame on you! For some who starved, did you forget how your father or mother worked to bring a slice of bread to you, out of the love they had for you as their child, did you forget how you fetched water at the riverside when you had no water to bath with, did you forget how much fun and love you had playing and swimming in the river with your childhood friends or did you forget those childhood friends, who are living life on the edge while you sit on a chair on a balcony sipping a glass of wine or sipping a glass of champagne in celebration that e-commerce websites have made the most money out of Corona virus or that all the people who used to sell delicious food on the streets have disappeared, that cup of chai is no longer there, that rotichanai is not there, or the fried rice with Malaysian black pepper rice is no longer there, or the fresh fish cooked on the side of the road is no longer there, because people are so paranoid about the disease that they think even the fish have been infected with Corona. If it was like that, then do not eat fruits or vegetables because they come from 'infected farms' with Corona. That is why Corona has is not a bad thing, Corona taught us how to live our lives with people we never used to talk to, to people we had no time for, we spent a lot of time with them, Corona taught us how to stand United for one another during George Floyd's death, thousands marched to stand together for the ending of racism. Even Muslims, Hindus and many other religions stood up for George Floyd if black lives matter to you so much, does it ever matter to you, that every minute of me writing this, a child in Yemen dies, or a child in Palestine, watches his parent disappear in the smoke of a bomb, or the cry of a child sitting at the top of a mountain of destroyed concrete walls crying so loudly for his mother of father, but helpless is the child who grows up with no mother, no father, that child becomes a refugee in another country, because the place he once called home, is no longer even on the map of Google maps, the place he once called home is taken over by Israel which has been blessed with all the riches in this world but still has no heart for that innocent child who becomes a refugee eventually and I'll tell you why, because Israel has already annexed Palestine but they are still not at peace, because God has done so. God does not support the killing of person nor the injustice done to someone more specifically an innocent child with no mistake. If Israel has a problem with Muslims they should just call Muslims terrorists like everyone else, and what's even funnier is that Israel is a terrorist because, Israel has terrorists millions of Muslims across the globe, and I'm not just talking about the race they wanted to wipe off from this world (Muslims) I am talking about how Muslims are scared of Jews and terrorized by Jews because of their inhumane actions in Muslim countries. That is what the world does not see,they do not see how they affect Muslims, Indians, black people with their inhumane assumptions towards these races. They just base their opinions on what the media has shown them, I just wish a bookshop could sell this newspaper or book and that missing book is called 8 letters also known as "I Love you" so if you love everybody in this world, let us make it a better place, let us stop racial profiling, hate speech, media image and immoral behaviour towards each other, if we could all read the book called 8 letters there would be nothing missing in the chapters of our pure minds and hearts. Learn to look above that sunset, above that beauty of the horizon and you will find 8 letters, learn to listen more, research more on facts and have an opinion which is based on facts, and most of all learn the skill of wisdom, because it is greater than intelligence. To all the things you said or did to someone that hurt them, go and tell them 8 letters and that is.. "I love you!"

#8letters #stopracism #givecharity #beahelpinghand #alllivesmatter #liveyourlife #behumble #iloveyouall
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