

Someone ask from my heart ♥ (3)
I just decided, now i will leave it to Allah, he will send me the right one at the right time. I got healed by time. Months passed, and i got a call from an unknown number. It was him and he asked me for forgiveness. I told me, that im actually thankful whatever happened as Life made me more stronger than before. He was surprised the way i talked to him, as he was expecting something differently. Years passed and felt, that i was ready to get married. a friend of mine, who found her husband through matrimonial website, gave me idea to look there. But no success. Even some proposals came. sometimes i rejected sometimes i got rejected. I thought maybe i am effected by black magic, as there was no progress happening. I started reciting aytul qursi, darood sharif and the 4 quls, as much as possible. And At morning and evening listening surah al baqarah and surah rahman, reading Quran daily and fasting on every monday and thursday I stopped looking for someone and start looking for life, to my make myself happy. To detox my life from people and thoughts which were not good for me. To make space for new people and thoughts. The transformation started. I start taking care of my life: what i eat, what i say, what i think and with whom i spend my time. Almost all my friends got married and got blessed with kids. I was the the only, who was single. I believed, if something is meant to be, it will happen. There was a family friend, who told my family about a proposal. It was quite intressting, as the things i always asked in my duas in a life partner were matching. After knowing each other, the guy informed me that he looking for something else. I said to myself, its fine. Let him reject me. Its not the end of the world. How many times can u laugh about a joke? Once, twice? How many times will i feel sad about being rejected? I kept on with my life and took the idea of marriage out of my mind.

to be continue..

the next part will post by tomorrow, which is final part of this story.

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