

Yoga is an ancient exercising technique invented in India, to gain mental, physical and spiritual well-being. It involves breathing exercises, physical exercises, and meditation. Yoga is really beneficial for mental, physical and spiritual health if done appropriately.

Yoga when performed routinely helps in increasing the flexibility of the body, cleanses the body and mind from impurities and makes a person calm and composed.

Yoga is suggested to be originated in India sometime around 3300 – 1900 BCE during the Indus Valley Civilization. Yoga probably originated from philosophical schools of Hinduism between 200 BCE to 500 BCE. In the 19th century, due to some yoga teachers and groups, yoga got worldwide attention, and today it is practiced throughout the globe.

Although there are many types of practices in yoga, the four major yoga techniques are listed below, for your information.

1) Hatha Yoga

Hatha yoga is the most widely practiced yoga technique. It is a rather slow form of yoga involving stretches and breathing techniques.

2) Kundalini Yoga

This type of yoga involves rapid and repeated body postures involving breathing. One has to hold out in a particular pose while constantly breathing in a specific manner, at the same time.

3) Ashtanga Yoga

This yoga is more recommended for athletic types. It has six different sequences that can be performed by the disciples separately.

4) Bikram Yoga

Bikram yoga is also referred to as Hot Yoga and is performed in a room with a minimum temperature of 40°C. The postures make your body flexible and cause sweat, resulting in the burning of excess fat.