

Masters of our own destinies
I repeat that God created you masters of your own destiny, masters of your own fate, and you can
pay no higher tribute to your Divine Master than function as man, as He created you.
The highest compliment we can pay to our Creator; the highest respect we can pay to our risen
Lord and Savior, is that of feeling that He has created us as His masterpiece; His perfect
instruments of His own existence, because in us is reflected the very being of God. When it is
said that we are created in His own image, we ourselves reflect His greatness, we ourselves
reflect the part of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost, and when we allow
ourselves to be subjected and create others as our superior, we hurl an insult at our Creator who
made us in the fullness of ourselves.
I trust that you will so live to-day as to realize that you are masters of your own destiny, masters
of your fate; if there is anything you want in this world it is for you to strike out with confidence
and faith in self and reach for it, because God has created it for your happiness wheresoever you
may find it in nature. Nature is bountiful; nature is resourceful, and nature is willing to obey the
command of man—Man the sovereign lord; man who is supposed to hold dominion and take
possession of this great world of ours.
