

The Day She Left
An all American family. She was a teacher. He was ex military. This was her second marriage so the two girls, 9 and 7, were her's from her previous marriage. She would always put them first, never giving reguard to her needs or wants. She went out of her way to be sure her girls didn't worry, and that her husband didn't worry. Everyday she hid from them her struggles. Her stress. She always appeared to have it all together, and her husband and daughters didn't even think about ever asking her what her needs were, or what she may worry about. Her family was so used to her taking care of any and all problems that this never even crossed their minds.
And so for 25 years, day after day, this family went about their lives, taking this woman for granted because they knew no nothing else. The two girls had grown, and the woman had aged, as well as her husband.
September of 2017 this woman celebrated her 54th birthday, and the daughters were grown, but still remained living in their parent's home, and the husband had began to show cognitive decline, this woman still did not ever show any signs of there being anything wrong. And so time rolled on. She finished the school year of 2017-2018 and excitedly welcomed her summer vacation. And so they had...