

🌲My Last Wish ⛈️
"Once upon a time,⌛
There was a beautiful Jungle,😍 which fulfilled with beautiful trees🌲 flowers🌹and lovely Rivers 😍
many varieties of Animals,Birds and even insects were the habitat of that Heavenly Jungle 😍
"There lived a beautiful Swan🦢 with her cute little Cygnets😘
The little ones use to stay with there mother 🦢swan were ever she goes, mother 🦢 swan use to teach how to fly and swim😍she use to feed her little ones with her beak🌹she loves her Cygnets alot😘
But the happiness didn't last forever,
A disaster made there life burden 🥺
It was drought🏜️🥺
Not even a drop of water left,
The Animals decided to leave the Jungle,Far beyond greenery was over,there were only skeletons of dead Animals😱😥The beautiful forest was now 🏜️ desert 🥺All animals were ending because the lack of water and food,😭
"The Cygnets were thirsty and starving from the lack of water,🥺 mother swan 🦢 was broken to see that💔😥She flew up in the sky in search of food, after searching alot 😢 she find a worm🐛which is not enough to feed to her Cygnets,she is also starving but she thought about her Cygnets 🥺 finally she came at the Dried up river,were they are staying 😥she gone closer to her kids to feed them,😭The Cygnets were no more,Hunger and thirst has ended there lives😭💔😱
The Broken Swan 🦢 cried alot😥she is totally broken 😨 Finally,she set down at the end of the dried river and by closing her tearful eyes she imagined her Cygnets 🥺she imagined the beautiful trees 🌲and the lovely flowers 🌹 she imagined herself with her Cygnets 🥺 playing in the river,she imagined the beautiful 🌅sunrise which travels to every tree's nest,which blooms flowers 🌹😥she use to imagine the rain drops in which she use to dance with her Cygnets 🥺😔
Suddenly,there was a voice in the sky,It was thunder 😳,yes😍 it's rainy season 😁😍All were really shocked because it was totally drought 😥but the sudden change of the season is unbelievable 😱
It was Raining⛈️🌧️🌩️⛈️😱
All animals were very happy 😁to see this wonderful Change,....All started dancing and singing 😍🤗
Swan???is she is still there,was she is happy with that???
Swan is no more 😔she sacrificed herself to save other families 🥺Atlast she imagined the beautiful things and moments🥺and prayed to God,...
To fullfill her LAST WISH,😭
we're she is?🙂yup,she is alive in every one's heart,She is Immortal,she is in heaven with her Cygnets,...
She didn't leave the place untill her end because she is brave 😁She knew it when the bad time we have don't we get trap in it, because the good time is on the way,She prayed,she believed,and it happened 🌧️🌹🌲
The END,....

© Eve❤️