History of watercolor painting
The medium of watercolour has been particularly associated with England for several hundred years. However, its origins lie further back in the history of European painting. Pigments, consisting of earths or vegetable fibres ground to powder and bound with gum or egg, were in use in the Middle Ages.
Who invented watercolor painting?
The three English artists credited with establishing watercolor as an independent, mature painting medium are Paul Sandby (1730–1809), often called the "father of the English watercolor"; Thomas Girtin (1775–1802), who pioneered its use for large format, romantic or picturesque landscape painting; and Joseph Mallord.
When did watercolor painting start?
Early Examples of Watercolor Painting
In Asia, traditional Chinese painting with watercolors developed around 4,000 B.C., primarily...
Who invented watercolor painting?
The three English artists credited with establishing watercolor as an independent, mature painting medium are Paul Sandby (1730–1809), often called the "father of the English watercolor"; Thomas Girtin (1775–1802), who pioneered its use for large format, romantic or picturesque landscape painting; and Joseph Mallord.
When did watercolor painting start?
Early Examples of Watercolor Painting
In Asia, traditional Chinese painting with watercolors developed around 4,000 B.C., primarily...