

Changes in the sky
"Can you tell me what it is you see when you look at sky?"
"I look up at the blue sky, I see clouds in motion, they look like dancing figures then after they become disfigured as though they're unidentified flying objects, while my mind is at ease, I hear a loud man-made flying bird, I see it soaring from destination A to B, on its way there, it pierces a gaping hole in the middle of Mr Nimbus. The sun, being eminent, got to it's peak, boiling all water sources, from water puddles, to river streams, to lakes, to dams and not to forget the ocean, vapour rising incessantly.
The clouds are now viciously gray, thunder started threatening audibly enough as an old rust bucket van. droplets of precipitation got homo sapiens running back to their homesteads like headless chickens. A wonky glowing line embraced a neighbouring tree and had it ignited, a moment after a loud roar from the sky had the hearts of earthlings beating as drums."

© Adrian Richelieu