

Hello, I’m Seren!
Hey there! My name is Seren, but my friends affectionately call me Sunny. I'm a 26-year-old DSP. Currently, I'm living with my grandparents. We're mutually supporting each other, which is a beautiful dynamic. When it comes to my interests, you'll find me drawing, gaming, gardening, cooking, and honestly just going with the flow of the moment. I prioritize fun in any situation because life is too short not to enjoy it. I'm a hopeless romantic and often find myself daydreaming. If I’m not working, I’m smoking. Another fun fact about me is that I tend to start projects enthusiastically and sometimes struggle a bit with finishing them. It's a work in progress, you know?

One thing I'm incredibly passionate about is mental health awareness and the power of self-love. Treating people with kindness and respect sits at the core of my being, even if it means I can come across as a bit bitchy about it. Nonetheless, I love talking and I'm always open to the possibility of a positive, uplifting experience. Don't hesitate to message me! I can’t wait to write with everyone.
© SM