

The Angel Of Good News
He visited me today.
it was around this time, that an angel walked through the wall of my apartment. And quietly woke me up with a broad smile.
Your prayer request is here.
I have read, multiple stories on the dealings of angels and the manifestation thereoff.
Ndubiusi, you've come again.
In my first missionary journey with Kelvin.
He described how the Lord had led it in his heart while on a missionary trip to Oklahoma to come back home.
The theme: John 16.
I knew less mystery,
Untill he sat me down, and unveiled the dealings of the host of heaven. And the impart they have in the beginning of a new dawn.
The call to Isawa in Northern Nigeria was needed.
A place where the gospel had not been heard before hands neither the name of Jesus.

I had wanted the Lord to change and breed a new mantle of leadership.
These I will expand in the twelve gate in the heavenly.
To be continued...
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