

Darkside of the mind crimes - Dirty beggar part 2
Dear Diary..

Ugh... The damned journalist ruined my crime scene.. It is was like the killer was there I could feel his ominous gaze on me and him laughing at me as I am just so mad at it all the mess he caused..

This crimescene is so dirty so grim. It is like he had a painting in mind. All the muck around the stench of the channel where the body was found.. The body had a load of garbage on and thanks to the useless journalists all the boot prints are distroyed.. They also annoyed me so much with their; " Sorry detective who is responsible for this murder.. are the citizens safe?" ... Like I would sniff out the killer amoungs them.. Or could guarantee their safety..

Luckily my boss is a bit on my nerves on the case and he handled the media clowns.. So tired of this I would likely get called in later for this too.. Agh I had the worst of luck today.. I knew this killer was gonna get under my skin and he toyed with me ... He takes his time creating his art work, this one is for the horror lovers out there.. Like the character is awaiting his doom walking in the dark alley way.. he really gave this spooky effect to this bridge...

But what is worse the damn sign was hard to find.. But one off the patrol guys arrested a guy who walked away with a piece of cardboard box from the scene as they called for order when the journalists where encircling the corpse like vultures.. Poor fellow he was just so startled.. So innocent... The teen boy was just looking for something to keep him warm.. Upon opening up the box I uncovered the killer's horrible words:

"Scum that's what I was.. I lied, I cheated people and stole to stay alive.. Now I am free in the trash like I am..."

This guy is taking beggars as these vermin of the earth.. It must be something personal. Thanks to this I think a search into these victims might reveal why.. I still need to visit the morgue.. I think I might skip it after all the crap of today asking all these idiots what they altered and having gathered their shoes and also had a long and boring conversation with their editors and bosses about them needing to be carefull and giving all of them a fair warning.. I just wish a judge could just like give them a hefty fine.. It would have saved myself from all the damned admin they gave me...

The best news of the day was that the pathologist had a niece or nephew working on the story last night.. So it even dampens me more to go down to hear what the autopsies indicate also if they could give me more information on the vics.. The worst was I just had a doughnut for the day.. Just couldn't shake the feeling of this killer..

I can sympathise with him in a way. It is terrible seeing people just begging you for a dollar just to have a bite to eat. Meanwhile we have clothes a home and this I think is where he wants to hit hard..

My boss really got annoyed and it seems like he hates me.. A conspiracy is brewing. He wants to run a tip line for this killer.. Pfff.. He likes the spotlight way too much and even bragged about the killer running loose in our city and assure that the citizens will be safe. "In good hopes to find the killer.."
What a fool he is..

Also he like wants to run a soup kitchen tomorrow at the station..The poor cadets are going to have their hands full.. And I was a lucky winner of being their supervisor for an hour.. The poor guys.. I don't know what to think really just know I am very irretated not being out there to find this guy..

I predict that trouble is going to break loose at this event.. Something is telling me I really need to catch this killer soon. I hate him more and more each minute all these small distractions could mean only one thing...

© The cube said it