

The spider verse isn't over
As Peter got back to his dimension he saw his loving wife and his son but something was wrong. They have gotten older "it's been 15 years Peter marry said". To Peter it only felt like 10 minutes." Wheres Peter Jr Peter asked .ary hes in his room". Peter opend the door to his son's room and what he saw was webbing every where. As Peter was gone his son went through some changes he had gotten the spider abilities as once his fother gotten. Peter walked up to his son on his bed sat right next to him. Peter said "will get through this together" Peter jr was angry that his dad had disappeared for 15 years. As Peter gets up to look out the window he see rhino and some new people destroy the city he looked back at his son and told him " Do you want to see I was gone for 15 years get dreased". When Peter jr got dressed he went out the door and saw his dad in a red and blue with silver webbing suit it was his old spider suit he retired before his sons time. Peter told his son to follow him as they clime the buildings someone see's Peter and screams Spiderman as she screams every one starts to get in the middle of the rodes. Spiderman see's a car losing control heading for a little kid and no time spiderman jumps off the building a swings toward the kid and swups her up. When he gets every one out of danger Spiderman and his son shows up in front of rhino and the new group of villains. Rhino looks at spider man and looks at Peter jr Rhino tells Peter jr " Isee you brought our recruit". Spiderman says "what are you talking about " he looked over at Peter jr as Peter jr walks to the group of villains Spiderman ask Peter "what are you doing ". Rhino laughs and said you been gone and he was going through a rough change and he had nobody till he found us tell him who you are Peter jr. I'am the red spider and we are the sinister six. Spiderman was shocked he couldn't believe it as soon as he could say anything else red spider webbed him up and knocked him out.
© C.W