

memory break pt. 2
I felt an intense pain in my head, everything got blurry and I blacked out. I woke up a few hours or so later, to find myself where i had been for the last 3 years of my life. In a crazy lab where me and others like myself were treated like animals. A loud horn broke the silence signaling that it was time for torcher. Just like that abigale, my roomie trembling. " This is it, this is where I die." Thats the phrase she said all the time, only to wake up right where she was all the time. A man in a white scientist coat came in with another dose of what i dont know. I just sit there lifelessly looking into his eyes. There he goes again with that sadistic smirk he always pulled when he came here. The kind that signaled that he far beyond the point of saving. He gave us the antidote and chained us the iron chairs in the room. Then he left and started observing us from glass that made one of the wall in our room. He stood there not moving just looking like he was expecting something. A few moments later a felt like fire was coursing through my vains. I screamed in pain as a smile broke across his face.

Let the torcher begin.


Can I get ten (10) like for the next one please.