

Flee like the leaves 🍃
The city was a dream come true, almost hauntingly so. I kept my heart on my sleeve, and walked forward in a knee-lengthed floral dress, the kind in which you can flow around with the wind, the kind that lets me free rather than restrict me in the name of beauty.

The atmosphere was infectiously joyful, instantly curving my lips unto a serene smile. Moments like this make me question how can life be anything but beautiful. Waving at strangers and smiling at kids that I see, people might think I'm a lunatic, my social anxiety smiling at me from a distance like a goodbye. The moments of crippling anxiety of the other night, that choked me and constricted my throat making it hard for me to breathe behind closed doors is something that I definitely imagined. Then I feel it's claws on my skin, the sweat building on my forehead and my cold fingertips was an alert to keep myself locked up but I'm out in the open in this beautiful city, at the hour of sunlight. Grimacing in a crooked display of a smile at a lady that I previously smiled at, leaning against a building making way for the other people that walked past, I tried to breath normally.

Approaching me was a young woman that looked slightly older than me, laughing lines pronounced, bright eyes glittering with kindness.

"Are you okay, dear?"

Being out of breathe as I am, I gave the same excuse of a smile silently telling her it's fine. Pulling me to a nearby cafe she talked to me for about an hour, the etiquette of not talking to strangers that is engraved in my mind from my mom's soothing voice out the window the moment she pulled me in there. But nonetheless, a preconception that I etched into my mind, not quite sure from where, that expecting empathy in a foreign land is foolish is cut down. You can expect anything everywhere, despite my dusty coloured skin that contrasts the people walking around, the blood running through our veins are the same red.

Leave your opinions down below, I love to see it :) This is a snippet of a story, I hope you like it.

#travel #love #anxiety #unity #travelreview #differences #story #writing #writingcommunity