

I am!!!!
I am a woman. I am a mother. I am not a politician. But I will fight for it right. I am a writer. My words will be a statement. I am a savoring. It fought and drove the fire. I keep out smoke-free. Because God covers me. There said your voice doesn't mean anything. I am here to say one voice can change everything. I am not here for debate. But I will make my point. That all women are here to stay. We won't back down. Men try to keep me down. I push drove with action. So my words can be heard. Take your hand off my mouth. Because I have something to say. I came to this world with no voice. Now my voice will be heard. You can talk to me. But you can't stop me from being me. You said I can't speak and I can't walk. Well, I hear to say I can walk the talk. I stand with all my savor. Men always try to keep us down. Only our voice can set us free. You said women can't lead the fight. I am here to say this is a fight to fight. Only take one person to lead. I am a woman. I am a mother. I am what I was meant to be. I will use my voice to speak out. I won't let anyone take away my voice-aways. Because I will make a stand for something good. I am a woman with a purpose. I won't let my past or my Nativity life get the best of me. I will use all my drama and suffering. To make something positive out of it. That will be my voice. My words of thoughts. Will make a change in my life. I am me. I am what I was supposed to be. Speak out I want I do it. Giving back is wants my words do. Change life it is up to you. Use your platform to speak up. Because you are who you need to be. A Mother will always be a mother. A savor will always bounce back. Time fixes everything. Just like your voice will always make a difference. So as I closed my thoughts. I have one thing to say gave back. Use your life experiences to make a difference. Speak up and make a change.
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