

I Did Not Mean That .
Write a story based on this famous excerpt from Lamb to the Slaughter by Roald Dahl:

The violence of the crash, the noise, the small table overturning, helped bring her out of the shock. She came out slowly, feeling cold and surprised, and she stood for a while blinking at the body, still holding the ridiculous piece of meat tight with both hands.

All right, she told herself. So I’ve killed him...
Her body shuddered once more
still cold and dazed and shivering the meat fell in front of her trembilng feet .The shock that had left her in her realisation started again .she could not control her sounds coming from her being ...the pain inside her was like a sound from a deep dark hellish place .
"Why why why " was all that was ringing from her i did not mean this.
A tall classy lady elegantly dressed and very pretty and well spoken and her husband approached her the kind gentleman wrapped her up in a warm green combat type coat whilst the lady held her close to her chest saying "come now we have phoned the emergency services for help rest in me darling we will not leave you like this . she looked up and looked around her blank simply blank and numb she could not even manage to say thankyou for there kind words and gestures . She just layed her head close to the ladys heartbeat uncontrollably sobbing . The gentleman who had given her the coat bent down beside her and his wife holding them both with his strong arms chanting a prayer to the heavens
It was mid evening the emergency services had arrived with flashing lights and many loud sirens the fire men went hard at it with hoses . at the burning fires in the back ground were the vechicle had over turned and the paramedics covered the body over and took him away on a trolly .
All she could here was a million voices
going in at her all at once .but her voice was none . A police officer lent down picked her up out of the slumber of the ladys embrace put her hands harsh and hard behind her back and cuffed her walking her towards a sweat van .

© amanda ajobrien