

"Intellect, a direct correlation of education or not?"
"Intelligence doesn't inherently correlate to education"

An individual could be of Einstein level with intellectual potential yet never know because they suffered due to a faulty education system (willingly, unwillingly, or unknowingly) that seems to have been designed and continually promoted and supported by those lacking a natural affinity to unconventional intellect. Children tend to have an affinity to unconventional intellect driven by imagination and a natural desire to learn more about the world yet they get that ripped from them by being exposed to an authoritarian driven education system focusing more on control through discipline and forcing what is deemed most important to be held as knowledge into their minds. This is why most people in our society (regardless if they agree or disagree with eachothers, beliefs, lifestyles, religious faiths, etc.) tend to hold very firm to what they believe is truth even if they have never once sought to prove the so called "truth" themselves and will adamantly discredit someone else's "truth" without having ever sought out to prove to them with concrete evidence that their opposition's "truth" is untrue. This is a prime example of "Sheep mentality", "selfishly accepted decievery", "(un)acceptable toxic behaviors", "(Mis)Understanding those you oppose/ (Mis)understanding those you support", "(Mis)understanding discredit", "Easily offended", etc.

"Education can and most likely in some form or another, be affected by the disadvantages and the privileges involuntarily placed upon individuals from the moment of birth and onward"
Intelligence must'nt automatically correlate to financial status or employment (current or previous)
Many students (let's call them student B) cheated their way through school maintaining an above average GPA or they got improper assistance in the form of nepotism, beneficial biases (reverse racism, sexual favors, financial bribery, etc.), had parents who worked at the school, parents on the school board of education, parents in law enforcement, parents in local or federal government etc. Many students (let's call them student A) studied vigorously and exerted a great deal of effort into their education yet fell short due to a myriad of complications such as extreme poverty and or maintaining a job outside school to help support ones family and or self, abusive parents/guardians/households, autistic disorders, mental and or physical health complications, poor education system (ex: misappropriation of funds into more profitable areas like sports focusing on extra curricular activities benefiting a few rather than the education of students benefiting all), being bullied at school, poor teaching etiquette (teacher harboring toxic behaviors such as personal biases like racism, sexism, wide array of misunderstandings including anything above or below), poor education system in itself, living in bad neighborhoods, etc.

Student A would be grouped in with the students who simply took their education for granted most certainly by the average person.

Student B would be grouped in with the students who took their education very seriously most certainly by the average person.

It would take analytical savants to truly recognize all the overlying and underlying variables.

Prime example of having received a negative education:

The reason why people are skeptical varies from person to person based on ignorance of personal experience.
It is most commonly a result of being poorly educated/falsely educated
Cigarettes used to be promoted by doctors with zero implications of having negative effects on our health. Now nearly on average 400,000-450,000 people die annually as a direct result of smoking. Marijuana used to be demonized and was falsely represented as being very bad our the health of the average person. Now its being prescribed as a "treat many symptoms and illnesses medication"
What did we learn about Christopher Columbus in school that we later learned wasn't true. What did we learn about Thomas Edison that we later learned wasn't true? Who was actually lucky enough to learn about Nicholas Tesla in school? Why was we told that just a few centuries ago most people thought the earth was flat even though it was widely known to be a globe since the 1400s. The list goes on and on. This would be my reasoning behind believing we have had zero direct effect on what is titled "Global Warming", "Climate Change". In the 70s there was a similar propaganda campaign going on about a soon to come "Ice Age". Its ironic that we have supposedly increased our lifespans while also increasing the illnesses we are potentially susceptible to during our increased life times.

Intelligence exists in each and every one of us. It's best brought about in our thoughts, words, and actions when we analyze everything, even things pertaining to our cognitive biases. This does much to help us better avoid the complications that may arise when falling prey to impulsive reactions when our cognitive dissonance is triggered by information totally uprooting a belief we held so firmly to that we just can't handle anything potentially being to the contrary.

I get proven wrong often. I used to be abusive and quick to insult others when that happened but now I have learned to thank them for such a blessing even if it does at times kind of rub me the wrong way.

We can't afford to misconstrue what is simply help with what is judgement in condemnation.

Thank you attending my "Writco Talk"
My version of the famously known "Ted Talk"
Feel free to use that term I created and do your own Writco Talks.

Ive shared much since discovering this great sanctuary and now Im going to take a break and start reading yalls poetry, stories, and quotes, for Ive followed everyone who has reacted to my works just for this very purpose.

Thank you for providing me such a blessing. It means so much to me.
I love you so much.