

The Killer the komodo dragon show
Peoria, Illinois. John Levi's is walking down the street to his house and he sees a strange creature sitting outside his neighbor's house and just watching into the building.
John: what is that?
He walks over a little closer and was shocked to realized that its it's a komodo dragon. John bends down to look at its collar and reads,
John picks up the lizard and takes him home, away from his neighbor.
At the house, John poured some crickets into a bowl and placed in front of Killer, who swipes away and, walking to his fridge and opening, pulls out raw chicken, which he leaves at John's feet. John, as he's watching, picks up the raw chicken and cooks it up for Killer, which eats it. Killer then goes outside to John's backyard and sits outside his neighbor's chicken coop. John's neighbor, Yuri Cronova, stood and fed as Killer sat outside his coop, watching creepily.
Yuri: get outtakes, stupid lizard!!!!
Killer continues to sit extremely still as if Yuri didn't see him. Yuri gets annoyed and yells even louder.
Yuri: Get outta, stupid lizard!!!!!!!!
Again, Killer continues to sit still. So,Yuri calls John on his cell phone.
Yuri: Is this stupid lizard your pet?
John: Yeah, now he is!
Yuri: can you come get him. he's freaking me and my chickens out in a creepy way. John comes out of his house and to Yuri, he says.
John: you could cover your coop with a tarp.
Then, John grabs Killer's collar and pulls him into his house for the night.