

"I am completely soaked in rain. It's raining heavily. I am running through a deadly forest. My legs are about to give in. My whole body is covered with mud, cuts and bruises. But I can't stop I have to run, run for my life. I can feel him. He is following me. I can hear his footsteps, coming nearer and nearer with each passing second . I am scared. I cannot run anymore, my legs are numb. I don't have any strength left in my body. Suddenly I trip over something and fall down. It's finish. I am done for. I try to stand but I cant. I can hear him approach. Suddenly a pair of strong arms push me to the ground. He is on top of me, looking at me menacingly. I can't see his face but his eyes are glowing in the dark. He lowers his hands towards my neck. I see something glistening in the moon light in his hands. It's a knife. The knife is inches from my throat, about to slit it .I want to scream, but I am frozen in fear. I shut my eyes close, ready to die. There's no escape now."

"Emily wake up dear, Emily."My eyes shot opened. I found myself in my bed. My clothes are soaked with my sweat. My mom is sitting near me with a worried look on her face."What happened dear? you were screaming. Finally I found my voice and replied, "the same old nightmare mum."

I've been having this nightmare for 2 months now. Always I wake up at the same moment. It feels so real that I am scared to even close my eyes.
" it's ok dear. try to get some sleep." my mum kissed me on my forehead and went back to her room. I try to have some sleep but in vain.

Hi, I am Emily,
Have you ever had a nightmare? I am sure you had. After all who doesn't have nightmares.
But have you ever seen a nightmare in which someone is trying to kill you? Not probably. But I have.
Sometimes it feels so real that I have to check my throat to make sure that there's no cut mark. I have the same nightmare every night. I can't even sleep now.

If you know a cure for me please comment below.


Please check out my other works too 😁

© Vivian