

Souls who are still
I blinked as I regained consciousness. I had hit my head hard, or had someone hit me? Then I realised I was holding a bloody knife in my hand.I could not see anything far away. My senses were blown away. What was happening was not understanding anything. Suddenly there was a sound, I was scared. Looking back, there was a black cat coming towards me.I jumped on top of me as soon as I fell on the ground. When it arose, there was no one there. Fear had made my face my home. I remember when I was coming here, people asked me There is danger in front of where you are going, but I did not listen to them. It was heard that there was a fire here and all the people of a family died. The people of the village did their help in a little while till then everything was burnt. The souls of those people are still in that house, it means in this house. As soon as I tried to go out, someone grabbed my feet. A sound was heard from me. When i looked back A woman and her two children were with him. She was all crying loudly. I was afraid but after showing some courage asked what happened you are all crying . When the woman became silent, my senses flew away but said I have to meet my husband.He pointed a finger at the picture on the wall. I saw that my senses flew, that is what forbade me to come here I ran away from there and kept running as soon as I reached the village and told all the things.I came to know that her husband had set the house on fire and now he has gone mad. He has been punished for his actions.