

Love encounter
#HappyFriendshipDay #WritcoStoryPrompt54
Your best friend in the world calls you and tells you a secret that changes your friendship forever. Write a story in the conversation and the aftermath.It was during the 2000 festive season when we met by the yogurt shelf section at Kroger supermarket , we were all thirsty and there was only a bottle of yogurt left for sale . I grabbed the bottle of yogurt and she ended up grabbing the shoulder of the arm holding the yogurt .
She looked directly into my eyes without blinking and I also looked back in her eyes without blinking only to see the adrenaline hormone saying her thirsty quenching is only the yogurt .
immediately I stretched forth the bottle of yogurt to her , she opened it and took random sips without relaxing ,
When the bottle was half she removed it from her mouth and extended it to my mouth ,
No sooner had she withdrawn the empty bottle of yogurt from my mouth than she gave me a tight hug and whispered in a very loud voice , " you can be a stranger to me but I have to reciprocate your caring as well ."
When we were done with shopping we packed the groceries in her vehicle and went for an Italian pizza .
I asked what her name was and she replied I'm 'Annabelle ' .
She also asked what my name is I replied 'Mateo '.
"Listen Mateo to build true love let the girl feel safe around you always , discuss about everything and let her get the happiness she has been searching for ."
Immediately she finished talking , I held her hand and asked , " Annabelle are you dating ?"
Her energy levels got very low , she responded "no !" and her eyes became epiphora .
Love story part 1

© Mateo