

a journey of a special relationship
Write a short story using at least three from the five prompts given:
An empty suitcase full of memories.
The messages added salt to wounds.
The car accelerated before the signal turned green.
A wardrobe full of clothes that still had their tags on.
A dust free bookcase could hide a lot of lies.
when he came to my life my conditions is like I m flying with out feathers...and when u first talk to me I was like a car accelerated before the signal turns green. and suddenly this car loose the balance and everything changed....... you leave my hand and i without you I m like an empty suitcase full of memories....and the things get more worst when you asked me ...are you alright ???? this message added salt to my wounds....all this happened so fast that it's like I was prepairing for a party and suddenly party cancelled ...... and the wardrobe full of clothes with still their tags on..... now i want to clarify all the things because a dustfree bookcase cañ hide a lot of lies......which are buried in my heart ...in my soul.