

Meeting Angel
"Wake up Roisin, you are almost there "... Who is this; i asked with my eyes heavily closed. I feel no gravity, my body was floating, but my soul is united with the roots of lotus. " Come on Roisin, no much left, you can make it "... It's that angelic voice again, i asked but with no voices out " who are you". i heard it again, so pure like a symphony: "no worries should be carried dear, come with me and you will know the answers right in time". I opened my eyes, all i could see is darkness, i barely can see the shape of my hand. It's cold, empty and all the loneliness must've been gathered here! " close your eyes Roisin, follow me... " i closed my eyes again and my vision became nothing but clear, i can see now! I know this place, i have been here before! Why can't i remember, what about that voice? Why...