

Every place has a story or two about ghosts, unexplained occurrences, or just an eerie experience. All of these stories start out the same: some small little town with some creepy little house where someone died some horrible, tragic death. And for some reason those are the stories that make us look under our beds and in our closets, that make us say our prayers before we lie down to sleep. But imagine when you take out the small town, the creepy little house, and the terrible death…
Imagine that you are in an apartment, on the “right side” of town, where nothing bad has ever happened. Imagine that you come home to your cozy little apartment from work to find it as you left it, the same as every other day. You have the same friends and neighbors as when you first moved in. You wake up early and get ready for work, the same as you always do. But today just does not feel like every other day.
You get to work, and everything goes as expected, almost perfectly. Perhaps too perfect. This is one of those days that you know something is bound to happen, and all you can do is wait. The proverbial other shoe is going to drop at any moment – you just know it.
And as you drive home that evening, you get the strange sense that something just isn’t quite right…
It is a Wednesday evening, a little after five o’clock. You’re driving on the interstate, returning home from work. Traffic is a little less heavy than usual, and you are glad for it. You just want to get home and relax, even though this has been rather easy day.
You landed a sales contract with a new, big client, and your boss is beyond appreciative. You couldn’t get fired if you wanted to. What a day!
You mull the day’s events in your mind as you drive patiently along. Nobody is being pushy or hurried. It is almost as if everyone else has had a great day, too.
But you just can’t seem to shake the feeling that something is off. You have felt it since this morning when you woke up. It was such a strong feeling that you were sure that today would be a disaster. What in the world could make you still feel this way, especially after the great day you have had?
You finally make it home, and everything is precisely as it should be. In fact, everything is perfect. It’s never perfect. But today, the grass is an amazing green, the sun is shining but not hot, and the air smells great! There’s no way anything could be wrong.
You walk up to your apartment door and unlock it. As you open the door and walk inside you feel an eerie chill, like your spine is made of ice, and the hairs on your arms stand on end. You shake it off, though, and continue into the living room.
You notice that everything seems to be a dull shade of grey now. You open the Venetian blinds covering the porch door to let in some of the sunshine, but the sun is now hidden behind a thick bank of very dark clouds. You think to yourself that you don’t recall seeing any clouds a couple minutes ago. In fact, you remember the sky being perfectly clear.
You begin to rationalize that there is no such thing as a perfect day. Something has to go wrong, and it might as well be the sudden gloomy atmosphere. Besides, maybe you just didn’t notice the clouds because of your excellent mood.
You decide that a nice, hot shower will be...