

little Mark was awoken on a Friday morning to the sound of his alarm clock ringing and his mother calling out to him of course he shot out of bed fearing being late for school he had been late many times and didn't want to be late again if he was he'd be suspended he ran down the stairs with such speed he slipped on the rug and smacked the wall with a thump. he almost choked on his pancakes and spilled his milk. he kissed his mom and said good bye. but his brother was tuanting him. he said that he was going to be late. he didn't know how right he was. his brother challenged him to a race to school Mark accepted, of course what fun he thought but again I say it would not be fun. they both lined up for the race mom counted down three. two. one, go! they flew out the door at top speed racing down the side walk to the school they we're going so fast that marks brother didn't realize that he was missing a brother. he got to school and was confused, Mark however knew exactly what happened he had triped on his own shoe lace. he fell down a hill and into a ditch... something confronted him in the ditch he was laying in he looked up and let out a screem as the town legend that had plagued his town for 250 years was at his feet it grabbed him and drug him into the forest... part two coming soon.

© MD