

Chapter Eleven
Danial and Downey started looking over the file in the car.

"I'll never get used to the sight of the dead." Stated Downey, looking at a photograph of one of the victims.

"Neither will I." Said Danial.

"What could possibly drain someone of their blood? And what could have they used to do it?" Danial knew what did this, but, obviously, he wasn't going to tell Downey what he knew.

"Just be glad he hasn't come after you." Danial joked.

"Oh yeah, sure. He'd get a mouth full of lead if he ever tried." Downey joked back. Danial smiled in reply. The joke amused him.

"Well, better try to find some witnesses. Or at least evidence."

"Where should we start?"

"There's a Tavern not far from here where the Victim used to hang out. Let's start there." Danial started the car and proceeded to the Tavern.

When they got there it was full of people and it was difficult to make their way through the crowd.

"Hoppin place." Said Downey, looking towards the Tavern.

"Better get started." Said Danial, making his way to the door.

As they walked inside they went up to the bar to talk to the bartenders.

"What can I do you for?" Asked the woman behind the bar.

"Hello, I'm detective Warren and this is my partner detective Downey. We're investigating a murder of Susan write." Explained Danial, showing his badge.

"Can you tell us anything?'' The woman looked at them and then sighed.

"She was a good person. And my friend. She worked here for about two years beforeshe gota better job. All I can tell you is I wouldlook at Bobby statin. If that'sany help."

"Who is he?"

"He used to work with Susan on night shift. She was afraid of him."


"He was creepy. He would stalk her. Like drive by her house and spyon her. He'd follow her around like a lost puppy dog."

"Dose he still work here?"

"No. He got fired like a month ago for sexual harrasment."

"Do you now were we can find him?"

"Probably at home playing video games. He lives with his mother.. the address, here,I'll write it down for you." She said, handing him a napkin with the address on it.
"Thank you for your help miss?..."

"Donnel. Maggie Donnel."

"Miss Donnel. Thank you."

"No problem."

© Elizabeth Harris