

"Forgive me"
I take another bite into her rotting flesh. It tastes quite cruel, but that is all I got to survive on. I then pack the rest of my food in the sack and continue my journey through the harsh winter conditions. I carefully poke around with a stick, to make sure that there are no bear traps. Luckily till now, there were none to be found. I look around for some shelter, but the best that I can find is a big sturdy rock standing in the middle of the white nightmare. I make my way over there to take a rest. I let my body glide down the cold rock. I then open my big brown sack and as my eyes meet hers, I stop. I take a few deep breaths and take out her head. I hold her frozen head in my hands and look her in the eyes. "You're just as beautiful as the day I lost you." I put my face close to hers and gently kiss her icy black lips. I place her head next to me as I get the rest of her body out of the sack. Limb for limb I place them on the snow covered ground. At the looks of it, she will last me for at least another week or so. I let out a big sigh and take her hand. That is when I get a glimpse at her engagement ring. Then I slowly slip it of her thin finger and put it into my back pocket. After that I take another glimpse at her face and thank her for the meal. I then hungrily bite into her hand. The meat is frozen and smells rotten. Her flesh is as black as the night and her skin is covered in frost. The taste is horrible, it is just a nightmare compared to the fresh and bloody meat that I have eaten before. I let out yet another big sigh, as I remember the delicious taste of freshly hunted human meat. I close my eyes and imagine, as I take another bite, that I were taking a bite of that one girl. Oh yes I clearly remember that day. Why it was just splendid! Her shrill cries for help and her screaming voice trembling in agony. Yes I still remember as if it were yesterday. The chains around her hands and feet holding her down as I eat. Her skin was so pure and white as snow. I watched her blood drooling down her skin as I take one bite after another. But it was quite challenging to keep her awake through this. Oh just the thought of it gives me chills as I looked into her eyes as her life slowly faded away after every bite I took of her. Then suddenly a cold winters breeze ripped me out of my thoughts and brought me back to reality. I open my eyes again and put her head back into the sack. I stand back up and shake of the snow, then continue my way through this white and cold nightmare. After another few days of trying to go back home, I look into the vast horizon and think to myself: "I never should have agreed to her taking me on this hiking trip into the mountains, that I am not even familiar with. " I yet again open the now almost empty sack and take out her upper leg. As I strip it bare, her phone drops out of her back pocket. I take it and out of curiosity I decide to take a glimpse inside. At first ofcourse I look if she has a signal, but just like mine it doesn't. So I decide to read her chats. Then suddenly i have a big urge to laugh. I continue reading until I can no longer hold my hysterical laughter. I then take out her head and look her dead in the eyes: "Kill me? Me? hahahahaaaa. Even now you can make me laugh. Oh how entertaining this is. I just can't help but laugh at your miserable attempt to kill me. Me of all people. This is just too good to be true. Haaa... little did you know that you had no chance at killing me. Why I wonder what the feeling must have been as i looked you in the eyes as i cut your limbs of one by one. As i gave you one last kiss before i slowly slit you or throat. How i wish you were alive now so i could do it all over again, but this time I would ask you these questions whilst I slaughter you." After another good laugh I take a nice big bite out of her leg. Then suddenly I start choking. I hastily try to cough it back up, but it's too late. It slowly makes it way through my throat and into my stomach. I start coughing up blood as I go on all four to try and and throw it back up. But the needle that she hid in her flesh already ripped through my throat and is now slowly cutting though all my organs as it slips by. "It seems you had a backup plan." I jokingly say. I take out the ring from my pocket and tightly grasp it into my right hand as I accept my fate. I close my eyes and remember my most pleasant and heart warming memory. No it was not eating flesh of that girl, but her. The love of my life. I thought I could change for her, but my desire for human flesh got me addicted. I faintly even remember her smile. The most beautiful and bright smile anybody had to offer. No woman in this cruel world was as beautiful and pure as her. But just as my blood is tainting this pure snow, I tainted her pure heart and mind. I truly to regret ever tasting a human. If it weren't for that I would have probably been already be married to this perfect woman and have 3 wonderful children. Oh what a wonderful life I could have lead, if only i wouldn't have taken a taste from this poisonous pleasure. I take one last look into my lovers eyes and quietly mutter the words into my last breath: "Forgive me."

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