"Forgive me"
I take another bite into her rotting flesh. It tastes quite cruel, but that is all I got to survive on. I then pack the rest of my food in the sack and continue my journey through the harsh winter conditions. I carefully poke around with a stick, to make sure that there are no bear traps. Luckily till now, there were none to be found. I look around for some shelter, but the best that I can find is a big sturdy rock standing in the middle of the white nightmare. I make my way over there to take a rest. I let my body glide down the cold rock. I then open my big brown sack and as my eyes meet hers, I stop. I take a few deep breaths and take out her head. I hold her frozen head in my hands and look her in the eyes. "You're just as beautiful as the day I lost you." I put my face close to hers and gently kiss her icy black lips. I place her head next to me as I get the rest of her body out of the sack. Limb for limb I place them on the snow covered ground. At the looks of it, she will last me for at least another week or so. I let out a big sigh and take her hand. That is when I get a glimpse at her engagement ring. Then I slowly slip it of her thin finger and put it into my back pocket. After that I take another glimpse at her face and thank her for the meal. I then hungrily bite into her...