

Grant me a chance to Save at least one more person oh Lord
Book entitled
The vision,the word and salvation
Written by: apostle Bonifácio

Title:Grant me a chance to save at least one more person,oh Lord

Brethren,i bless the living God for making ways for me to serve Him as usual.Truly,i am so excited that God's spirit touched me again.
The spirit of the living God brought me back to life and that brings me joy and peace.

Brethren,i also thank God for being part of the ones I preach for.Mostly,the spirit of the living God grant me a chance to say at least one word,and then It shows me a vision which I'll then write it down in order to save many souls.

At the moment i am talking to God and to you children of the Supreme God,and all I need is salvation for both,me and you...May God save us from the hands of the wicked ruler as we pray truthfully.

I felt the presence of the spirit of the living God,and I said to it "Dear God,please forgive me for the people that I couldn't heal through my wrong doings",and I also said "Dear Father,please grant me a chance to save one more soul" in Jesus Name...And then He showed me visions,i could see the reason of me being here in these world,He who created the universe brought me here to serve Him, and to serve Him is to save the lost souls through preaching His word of salvation and I am on that.

Jehovah the Almighty Father created us with so much love,He chose us to come here.

God did not bring us here to hate,to betray and to kill,He brought us here to serve Him through preaching His word which is to know the truth and also to preach it.

Sometimes to save souls is to be a person of peace,love and joy and to be a follower of the one whose blood paid our sins,because when it's like that many people will need your Jesus.

Jesus is the Saviour of the world,God sent Him to pay our debts with His blood,He died and He was brought back to life after three days,therefore we are called to listen whatever the Holy Spirit says to us,and remember that while Jesus was about to ascend He promised us that He will bring us a helper which is the Holy Spirit,and we already have what Jesus promised us.

God is with us and He is within us...I pray to God through Christ for Him to forgive me for the wrongs that I performed since I came to this world,my sins fought against my mission on this world.

I pray to Almighty God through Christ,for Him to grant me a chance and a power to speak His word and heal the sick,i become happy when I see people changing from bad to good through the divine message I deliver to them.

Father God,i pray through Christ that Your words may be blessed that when the reader reads may be healed and be saved in Jesus Name I pray.

Son & the
Holy Spirit.Amen

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