

Virus Endemic (part two)

I was done shopping and about to pay the bills with Mary when the same man was walking beside us to the cashier. Mary was trying to take out some cash from her purse when a 200 naira note fell without her knowing
"excuse me, this fell from your purse" the tall man approached Mary already holding the money on his right hand and giving it to her.
I wanted to tell Mary to reject it but she has already grabbed the money from him smiling and thanking him. He smiled at her and gave me a side look before leaving and going to the cashier counter which he paid for his goods and left.
"take this and sanitize your hands"I gave Mary my hand sanitizer.
"why!" she asked looking surprised
"you just collected money from that stranger and one has to be safe at this point of time"
Mary shook her head"there is no need for that, let's go and pay for our goods and check out other interesting things in the market". As we approached the counter, a young woman standing at the queue fell to the ground grasping for air and coughing soon afterwards the middle aged woman and her sixteen year old daughter were coughing and shouting for help. The entire store was in chaos as someone ran out of the store shouting that the virus has infected people in the store.
"let's leave here Mary"I said with so much fright of contacting the Gene-05 virus, I wouldn't want to die now but Mary was already on the floor holding her throat tight grasping for air and crying. The peach of her voice was in my head as well as the cries of adults and children in the store. I wanted to run and maybe get help for my friend but my head started to spin and I felt a tight grip on my lungs, no this can't happen I said to myself. I began to cough while I rushed out of the store and saw the entire city in pandemonium, taxi horns blaring in the air, people jumping from tall buildings of Mall and stores in order to save their lives
"Stella!" I heard my name from inside the store, the security man was in cold blood at the road, he was knocked down by a car probably while running. When I turned it was Mary who was calling with her hands stretched out to me then she gave up the ghost after giving out a strong cough.It was terrifying and I was helpless, I fell to the ground and felt my soul leave my body but I decided to pray before I go away.

The End
© Eze chidinma Prudence