

Social Media is not about socializing with friends and acquaintances regardless of time, age and distance. It is a means of communication bit also a moral issue with regards to cultural inheritance.
Imagine how many hours a person spent making himself known. Creating a world, an image or identity that is acceptable to those he call friends. Letting know what hmhe or she thought, where he is at the moment, what he does and what he is going through. Mostly liked it because they need not to exploit you, you are doing it willingly on your own. Letting others see you the way you wanted to be but then they still see you differently. There are those who only wanted to know your story and gossip about it with prejudice. Some would sincerely care for sure but it would be better if somehow you keep some things to yourself that isn't appropriate to be known bybthe entire planet. Too liberation can certainly lead you to devastation.
On the contrary, if you use social media platforms in a more mature and responsible way than recklessly. You might be able to find that thing they call "the person meant to be". I don't rely on luck. Meeting that person is not a coincidence, it is predestined. If you are good on reading between lines and can see through other people's intentions then you will probably end up with a promising friendships or intimate relationships. Yet, being cautious is never a crime. Always remember that people you meet on line are people just like you who tries to fit in a world you prefer.
Sometimes it can be tricky, you don't want to make dumb and stupid mistake of welcoming a monster who absolutely look like a hot angel from heaven had fallen. Looks decieve and hearts cannot decide. The brain does, you better use all your senses to be sure you will not be in danger especially to total strangers.
© scorpio13