

Believe & Trust.
15 July 2021.
Welcome to the Jawahar Lalla #Blogs Page.@jawaharlalla #Jawaharlalla
Instagram Ig. JBLwrites.
In my today's blog sharing the inspiring anecdote explaining the difference between #Trust & #Belief.
I recalled I used to see a lot of roadshows happening in most of # Mumbai streets where a person starts to walk on a rope tied between two buildings or roads end. He was walking slowly, balancing a long stick in his hands. He had his son sitting on his shoulders.
Everyone on the ground was watching him in bated breath and was very tense. When he slowly reached the other end of bldg or rope, every participant watching clapped, whistled, and welcomed him. They shook hands and took selfies.
He asked the crowd “do you all think I can walk back on the same rope now from this side to that side?”
Crowds shouted in one voice “Yes, Yes, you can.."
Do you trust me, he asked? They said yes, yes, we are ready to bet on you.
He said okay, can any one of you give your child to sit on my shoulder; I will take the child to the other side safely.
There was stunned silence. Everyone became quiet.
Belief is different. Trust is different. For Trust, you need to surrender totally.
This is what we lack towards our application to# God Almighty in today’s world.
We believe in God Almighty. But do we trust Him?. Let me have your comments.
@Jawahar Lalla #jawaharlalla#jawaharlallablogs#Instagram Ig: JBLwrites#belief#trust.