

Minds Eye
A strange chill crept into room giving me goose bumps all over my body, I lay on my bed awake in complete darkness perfectly still listening to the sounds outside. The old floorboards creaked slightly somewhere in the hallway, nobody's here with me I don't have any pets or roommates. Slowly I swing my feet to the floor and into my fuzzy house slippers I made my way in the dark to my bathrobe slipped it on and slowly moving to the door I held my breath as I turned the doorknob to my room and let myself out to the hallway... " Who's there? I have a gun and I'll......." before I could get it all out a shadow over in the corner down the hall just at the landing to the stairs went by. "HEY" I yelled as I ran towards the shadowy movement. Once I reached the stairs I could see nothing but I could faintly hear a voice of a woman, she was singing or humming something... I have heard that melody somewhere before. By the time I reached the bottom of the staircase I could no longer hear the song she was singing nor did I feel like she was still in the house... Alone again I figured I'm down here may as well get a lil something to eat real quick. In the kitchen I decide to make a p.b& j with a nice cup of cold milk on ice. on my way back up to bed I lingered in the foyer looking at the front door. "Humm that's odd I could've sworn I locked my door." I said outloud to myself then I hurried to the door and locked it again. Once more I'm on my way up to bed and again I don't feel right something's strange in the air tonight. For what it's worth I'm not really afraid of anything and I am for certain I am alone. Just as I enter my room a loud crash of glass breaking downstairs. I panic and dove into my big walking closet and his underneath a pile of dirty clothes and I wait for whatever is coming... Wait is that footsteps I hear from downstairs and on the stairs. Why, who, what is going on how is there an intruder in my home. This can't be I must be dreaming. As I hid waiting I come to the realization that this was happening and it was not a dream... OMG I hold my breath as I heard my bed room door come open and from a tiny space between a bra and some blue jeans I could see a shadow of a tall figure from underneath the door to the closet as it steped into my open doorway. then another steped in behind him and they said to each other " I thought they said she'd be here " one said to the other. " Well then where is the whore ? " the other one expressed. They seemed to be leaving when one decided to look in my closet hiding spot. I froze scared to fuckin death...These muthsfuckas got the wrong bitch today, and out of nowhere the closet light came on and a man tall slender older guy maybe 40 or 50 years old Mexican or light skinned black I am not sure, I can't see his face it's out of veiw. Now his buddy is pokin around in my panty drawer,sick fuck. Who were these men and what the fuck are they in my home for....Wait he said ' they' said she'd be here" who the fuck is ," they"... Boy the questions were revolving around in my head like crazy... Just then the short sicko panty sniffer came too close to my hiding spot I thought for sure I'd be caught...Out of nowhere the woman that was singing to me earlier had returned same way as before creaking hall floorboards and then her song became more clearer... she was singing a song by Anita Baker, Sweet Love. The intruders had heard it too and they rushed from where I was hiding and into the hallway. They seemed to have been just as confused as I was when I first encountered the woman. I decided to use the distraction as a window of opportunity and I made my move swiftly and quietly dashing into the bathroom that was adjacent to my closet and the next room putting more distance between the men and me. I grabbed the phone from the desk in the small room I used as my home office and I dialed 900., " emergency services how may I assist you" "Hello there's two men in my house " I whispered in a raspy voice. " Okay okay Miss can you please tell me your name"the young operator said. "Yes I'm Natalia Warwitz " I said in a hurried manner." Ok miss Warwitz and what is your address?" she asked. " "What's with the FUCKIN 21 questions. I thought out loud.," "It's 3668 Lil Foot Road." "Okay a patrol car has been just dispatched to your residence." "Thank you" I said,and hung up the phone just then I heard one of the men say "What the hell was that singing a woman or a ghost of a dead woman". the other said sharply " Damn fool stick to the job this house has a lot of hiding spots she has to be in one of them , now get searching., You'd like to find her or I'll have your head" obviously this one was the HNIC. As they debated on who'd go up and who'd stay down I slipped out of my office and into my son's old room. Normally I'd never go in there well every since he went missing 5 years ago.... There was a eerie feeling I got even passing the door put in the hall to come up in here was causing my stomach to flip and my breathing became labored. I was about to have a panic attack. I'll just back out and try to make it back to my room as I turned to leave I saw the top of the HNIC's head coming up the stairs he had some of the most blackest of black hair and it was curly like spirals all over and really thick too long enough to braid. Just then I had no option but to go into this room my beloved son once kept. Once inside I softly locked the door I held my breath as the old lock clicked locking the door,seemed like a cannon went off it was so quiet outside this door. From a distance I could hear the big one entering my bedroom and swinging the closet door open once again, and I think that he's looking behind the clothes hanging on the pole ( hangers clanking really one unmistakeable sound). So glad I jetted from there he'd have found me for sure.

Swallowing hard I took a deep breath and observed the room around me. It's been a long time since I even been in this room that sits catty corner down the hall from where I sleep. The entire room and every thing is the way I last saw it. The last day I seen my son as well. I could feel that lump swelling in my throat my eyes are beginning to get warm and soon the tears will erupt, again I swallowed attempting to swallow the ugly unwelcomed feelings that threaten to blow my cover. A single tear manages to escape and fell slowly down my cheek to the corner of my mouth and I can taste it's salty flavor. Snap out of it, get yo ass in gear there is only a short distance and one door separating them from me WTF.! I then remember the access to the attic is inside of the closet in this room. Inayantly I bee line to the closet, " FUCK " I said slightly above a whisper as I was tripping over a pair of J's discarded by my son on the floor. How many times had I told that boy to put his 4-5 hundred dollar shoes back in the box and in the closet once he was no longer wearing them. ,," Hey Bo did you hear something?" " Naw for crying out loud and neither did you it's a old house maybe it's the floorboards." Bo is his name we know now continued to search my room. But Bo I definitely heard something I thinks it came from down the hall somewheres , Bo really.,ina go see." Lil one said. " You just do that Buddy." Bo snorted. By then id already made it to the closet and I'd pulled the wooden ladder down and began my ascension up into the large dark creepy attic.
In the hallway Buddy was standing at the door to my son's room looking at the door like a curious puppy, head tilted to the side and all. Leaning into the door he pressed his nasty hairy ear to the door and stood almost perfectly still, well besides his chest moving up and down as he breathed it was like seeing a statue. Hhe stood motionless listening intently to the other side of the door. I tryed my luck pulling the stairs up once I reached the attic floor and I not knowing where these men were at the time didn't stop me this time I know for sure that one or both heard the thud of the stairs closing up into the closet ceiling." Ummm Bo I believe you need to come over here I knows it for certain that some one or something is in this room.," Buddy said. " This isn't a game Buddy "Bo said as he reluctantly made his way to where his partner in crime stood. Taking no time he instantly begins twisting the knob. "Damn things locked, strange everything was unlocked even the back door we come in but this one here ain't,"...Forcing the door open with one swift shoulder bump he sends the door flying open and splintered the locking mechanism from the frame. " Well it's open now dummy I mean Buddy,go on find the noise maker and we'll shut it right on up." Bo sarcasm made Buddy get upset. He'd been his right-hand man since 9 th grade. He approached the closet and yanked it open switched on the light by pulling the string that connected to the lightbulb next to the one that connected to the staircase in the ceiling. I had made it just half way across the attic floor when I saw the light from the closet come on. I could now see that there were things up here that I hadn't seen for years, furs purses dolls records record players maniquins and some more to it. Off into the corner was still too dark to make out but it looked like the outlineing sillouet of a woman standing in the corner looking directly at me. Startled I took a step backwards and the next thing I know for some reason I could hear the two men leaving the room and then them leaving the house from a tiny window in the front of the attic facing the front of my home I can see the car they were in backing out of the driveway. ,"Them sons of bitches parked in my damn driveway.," I said to myself. Totally confused by this turn of events I decided to stay up here for a while longer look around a bit try and think what brought the two men here in the first place. I placed the floor of the attic "So sweet so sweet sweet love" that song the shadowy figure from the stairs was singing. Can't get it out of my head. Just then I remembered the woman's figure in the corner, moving towards it I can now clearly see it was an old dress maniquin. Once again I peered out the tiny window as the sounds of a patrol car sirens and all come to o a screeching halt in my driveway exactly where the two intruders WAS parked about 10+15 minutes ago...

***** the end of chapter 1 *****
© NiKishaDWarwick5