

What if God is actually the Devil?
What if the very foundation of Christianity was built on a shocking Secret that the church doesn't want you to know?

MARCIAN, the man who compiled the WORLD'S FIRST BIBLE, believed that the God Worshiped by the church today is actually an evil been enslaving humanity, and we discovered that Jesus himself reveals that god is the devil in the banned GOSPEL OF JUDAS.

Is this actually true, and has the world been deceived into worshiping an evil being?

Before we discover the dark truth about god that Jesus revealed in the BANNED GOSPEL OF JUDAS, we have to know something about Marcian and the WORLD'S FIRST BIBLE.

So who was Marcian? Marcian was a Christian halogen that lived in the 2nd century.
He was the son of a bishop and was deeply involved in the early Christian church, but as he studied the scriptures, he began to have douts about the god he had been taught to worship.

Marclan came to believe that the God described in the scripture was not the loving merciful god that Jesus Spoke of, instead he believed the creator god was actually an evil deity who sought to keep humanity in bondage,

And you can't blame him because think. You about it, God is described as drowning the entire world except for Noah and his family, killing the firstborn children of Egypt and excepting a burnt Virgin Sacrifice among many other things. Now close, that sound like a loving god to you? Of course not.

Such behavior is the opposite of what Jesus teaches, Like Love thy neighbor as thy self. So Marcian concluded that the creator god was actually an evil entity who ruled the world with judgment and violence that kept humanity in a state of submission and slavery.

But in contrast, Marcian saw Jesus as a messenger from an entirely different god, a higher god who provided an escape from the cruel world created by the evil creator god.

And at the end of this chapter we'll see exactly who that higher god is.

A historian named Bart D. Ehrman

sad “(According to Marcion) Jesus came from a different God, A previously unknown God, Who was not the god of the Old Testament, but a higher spiritual being who intervened on behalf of people to Save them from the wrath of the creator,”

— Bart D. Ehrmon

So who is this higher god exactly? We're going to find out.

But think about it, this idea might seem strange to us today, the fact that the creator god is evil, but that's because the world has been condoned throughout generations to believe that the creator god is good. But the Idea that the creator god is evil was actually very compelling in early Christianity.

Bart D. Ehrman said:
“Marcion had a massive following, in some parts of the Christian world at the end of the second century, there were apparently more marcionites than other kinds of Christian.”
— Bart D. Ehrman

In Marcion's view, the world was a battleground between the evil creator god and the higher, loving god.

Now Marcian's followers, known as Marcionite's were pescetarians, and they embraced pessimism, and women held high leadership roles in the community, which was a practice that was very aggressive for the time.

Now not only was Marcion's version of Christianity extremely popular, but he actually compiled the world's first Cannon of the bible in an attempt to distance the evil creator god from Jesus and the higher god. Marcion compiled a collection of scripters, which became the first Christian cannon.

His cannon or bible had only II books in 2 parts, the evanjellicon which is the shorter Iverson of the Gospel of Luke and the Apostillicon 10 letters written by Paul the Apostle. They were also a bit shorter than the ones we know today.

Now think about it, the world's first bible was actually created to support the Idea that the creator god was evil and Jesus Was from a higher god.

Marcionisum spread fast and had a big following. Marcionites commitment to pessimism and equality for women was ahead of its time, But as the Marcionites movement gained momentum it also attracted the attention of the early Christian church.

Church leaders like Tutulian and Erasmus Spoke out against Marcion and his teachings, labeling him a heretic. They argued that the Ideas that Marcion reached were dangerous and misleading, St. Policar met Marcion at Rome and have said to have called Marcian The First born of Satan.

St. Irenaeus and his work against Heracles writes: (Marcian Declares god) to be the
author of evil (and) to take delight in war… But Jesus, being derived from that Father who is above the god that made the world… was manifested in the form of a man…
— St. Irenaeus

Ultimately, the early Christian church declared Marcionisum a heresy and his followers were persecuted and forced to go underground, while Marcions works were burned, but the truth is there were actually many Christian movements and books that declared the creator of the world as evil and said that Jesus came from a higher god.

In fact, Jesus says exactally this: in the Banned Gospel of Judas: Now this long-lost gospel was discovered in the 1970s and in the Gospel of Judas. Jesus reveals to Judas that the creator god is indeed evil. Jesus teaches that he himself comes from a true higher god Who is the Source of all true knowledge, love, and goodness.

Jesus said:
“Come, That I may Secrets no person has taught you about ever seen. For there exists a great and boundless realm, whose extent no generation of angels has seen, in which there is a great invisible spirit which no eye of and angel has ever seen, no thought of the heart has ever comprehended, and it was never really called by any name."
— The Gospel of Judas

This quote from the gospel of Judas emphasizes the existence of a higher kin god. Who is far removed from the cruel and vengeful creator god.

Now, another striking aspect of the gospel of Judas is the betrayal of Jesus's disciples as evil and not understanding his teachings. The disciples are frequently depleted as struggling to grasp the profound and hidden truth that Jesus shares with them, and Jesus reveals that he's not from the god that the disciples worship but from a different god entirely.

“The disciples said to him, “Master, why are you laughing at (our) prayer?!… He answered and said to them,' I'm not laughing at you. You're not doing this because you want to, but because through this, your god (will be) praised. They said,' Master, you (…) are the son of our god!' Jesus said to them, How do (You) know me? Truly (I) say to you, no generation of the people among you will know me…
-The Gospel of Judas.

“When his disciples heard this, (they) started to get angry and furious and started to curse him in their hearts. But when Jesus noticed
their ignorance, (He said) to them, Why are you letting your anger trouble You? Has your god within you and (his stars) become angry with your Souls?"
— The Gospel of Judas

Now notice that Jesus refers to the god they worship as (Your God) and implies they don't know of the god that The really comes from.

While the other disciples are struggling to understand what Jesus's is saying. Judas is portrayed as having a more profound understanding of Jesus, and this special insight sets Judas apart from the other disciples.

"Judas (said) to him, 'I know who You are and where you've come from. You come from the immortal realm of barbelos, and I'm not worthy to utter the name of the one who's sent you.”"”
— The Gospel of Judas

“Then Jesus, knowing that he was thinking about what's exalted, said to him' come away from the others. And 'I'll tell you the mysteries of the kingdom.”"”
-The Gospel of Judas.

But the question is: Could Marcion the crater of the First Christian cannon/bible and banned books like the Gospel of Judas be right? Is God actually the devil?

The truth is actually much deeper than that because the truth is that the evil creator god doesn't actually exist. The Idea of it has been used as a means to enslave humanity.

The idea of a wrathful and vengeful creator god has been a potent and powerful tool for maintaining control over the masses, and by in sealing fear into the hearts of humanity, religious institutions have been able to manipulate and direct the actions of their followers, often for their gain, and this fear-based control has been used to justify wars, persecutions and countless atrocities throughout history.

This stowick philosopher Seneca the Younger said:
“ Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the as wise and false, and by rulers as useful.”
— Seneca The Younger

Rulers and religious institutions can easily use the idea of an anger and vengeful god to maintain power and control over their followers.

If the idea of an evil creator god is being used to enslave humanity, what does this mean for our liberation? We by recognizing the manipulation and lies behind these fear based religions we can begin to break free from the chains of dogma and discover the truth that's already within us.

The truth is that we are divine, who is the higher god?
We are that higher god.