

The White Hare and Crocodiles
A long time ago, when animals could still talk, there was a white hare who always sat on the shore of an island longing to cross the sea. One day, a crocodile came to shore to sunbathe on the beach, which gave the hare an idea. "Crocodile, you are of the water and l am of the land so I don't know very much about you," the hare asked. "Tell me, do you think there are more crocodiles or hares? The crocodile swelled with pride, "Crocodiles, of course. There are hundreds and hundreds of us!" The hare smiled inwardly at the crocodile's conceit, "That many? I doubt it. Why, I don't think there are enough of you to stretch across this sea." The crocodile replied, "Of course there are, just watch!" Oblivious to the hare's intentions, the crocodile told all his friends to form a line across the water. Once they were all lined up, the hare shouted, "ll walk across your backs in order to count how many of you are here!" As he reached the last crocodile's back, the hare began to laugh at them for not catching onto his trick. The crocodiles grew angry and snapped at the hare, pulling off his beautiful white fur! Shivering with cold, the hare sat and cried. Fortunately, a kind prince rode by and asked him what had happened. So the hare told the prince of his trick and how he had been punished. The prince said he would tell him ofa cure for his wounds, but only if he promised never to be deceitful again. The hare agreed and soon his beautiful fur was restored. And he kept his promise never to trick anyone again!

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