

My name is Tessy, I'm nineteen years old. Not to brag I'm a very beautiful lady and guys were always mad driven by my beauty but then I couldn't fall in love with any of them because I wasn't certain if they were genuine and again I wasn't ready for the dramas that comes with it.

I got job at a sport organization and was made the secretary of the club, I began giving my all into the job, at first my boss was not friendly to me, he hardly smiles at me but that didn't stop me from working hard. Gradually I noticed he loves reading motivational books just like me and he's also an entrepreneur so I began asking him to lend me his books and I started reading it when I'm less busy at work.

My boss began admiring my kind of person since I shared same views with him, with those reasons we became close friends and started sharing our problems to each other. Although he was married and his wife was my friend and like a sister to me it made my bond with them closer.

He and I became fond of each other and I thought it was love. When I asked him if is possible for a girl to fall in love with a married man he said yes, I didn't mention it was me but he could tell by mere looking at me that I was referring to myself. After I admitted, he told me he's been feeling the same way and he kissed me just after his confession. My heart felt like exploding, I was aching for more of his kisses, his tongue was warm and ignited fire in me. I knew it was a wrong thing to do but I didn't care right at that moment, but then I came back to my senses after the kissing. I told him it couldn't work, he's married and I can't ruin a marriage just to be with him but he tries convincing me it wasn't wrong and we could possibly keep it a secret and continue our love story. I was so naive and in love with him that I couldn't object to his proposal.

But then I felt guilty after one month of our secret affair, I couldn't feel happy with myself for doing such to a woman I'm so close with. After two to three days, he'll come again to me telling me he wants me alone and no one else, the spark between us is too much for him to let me go. He'll make me feel loved, always listening to my advice and he treated me so right and this in turn makes me fall harder for me. I stop caring if I was doing wrong or not.

One year later, he manipulated me and slept with me when I turned twenty years old,I was stilll w virgin. He took my virginity away from me right under his roof while his wife was fast asleep at night. I felt bad and I left the next morning vowing not to ever speak with him again. But then it didn't get to another week and I was in his arms again after making me believe he loves more than anything, he was ready to leave his wife for me and we could elope to somewhere of my choice. I thought it was a good idea until it dawned on me that it was someone's husband we were talking about, not just someone's husband but a father of three, I told myself I'll never be happy if I accept to do this. So with that I told him no we can't do that.

Our secret affair continued and he was always manipulating me to have sex with him, any time I do it was a mixed feeling of happiness and sadness. He didn't care to know if I enjoy what he does or not, he just wants to have his way to me. He gives me drug to avoid being pregnant but then I hate those drugs he gives to me, I bleed twice the first two times I took two of it tablet not knowing it's meant to be one. I thought I'll never get pregnant as I kept keeping to his rules.

And then six months later I was pregnant and wasn't aware. It was month end and I didn't see my menses he had to get a pregnancy test kit for me to check which I did and it shows I was one month pregnant. I was perturbed, devastated, depressed, in fact I didn't know what else to do. He tried calming me down and promise to pay to remove the baby. I was heartbroken when I heard that from him, he again manipulated me to believe is for the best so I can have a bright future like i ever wanted, that if I have this baby now I'll never do that. I again foolishly accepted and took a pill to flush down the baby, my baby, I cried. The pain was severe and I almost died, I begged God to forgive me and give me another chance to become a better person.

God heard my cries and I didn't die from the pain, but I died inwardly. I felt so depressed! Pain was all I could feel when I see him,when I hear his voice and when I hear his name. More than a month I was trying to recover without my family's knowledge of what had happened to me. I told him to stay far away from me and never to call or speak to me again.

I vowed never to allow any married man or single guy fool me to believing infatuation was love. I thought I loved him but I was just carried away with the fact he was giving me attention and care since I had no one that does that for me then. I knew I did wrong infact it was the biggest mistake I've ever made in my life.
Gradually I tried moving on with my life and get myself busy with something. Is the worst mistake I'll never forget in a hurry.

The End.

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