

Chapter 2
"I think the cry came from behind the bushes," I said to Chris pointing towards my left. Chris held my hand and we tip-topped, without making any sound.
"Help!!" Somebody shouted. I turned towards my right to see Monica shouting. Somebody was on her. Wait...he had wings. He was a huge creature with sharp claws. I was not able to see anything as it was so dark. He raised his claws to hurt Monica.
"Noooo wait," I said shouting. I tried to move forward and help Monica, but Chris stopped me.
"Leave me " I yelled.
"No, he'll hurt you" he yelled back.
"So should I just stand here and look that weird - dangerous creature hurt my friend?" I yelled pushing Chris away. I picked up a stick and went towards the creature when he looked at me. I was about to see his face when he picked me up and threw me far away. "Aaaaaa" I cried. I fell on the ground, hitting my hand on a rock. My head hurt with that dangerous stunt. That creature had pushed me too hard.
"Mia, oh god!!. Are you alright?" Chris asked helping me sit. I ignored his question and looked here and there.
"Where's Monica?" I asked.
"Jake took her inside her tent. She's fine. She is just a bit scared" Chris explained.
"Who was tha.. ouch " I cried. My hand was bleeding.
"Oh, Mia. I can't see you in pain" he cried.
"It hurts " I cried.
"One-minute dear," he said. He ran his hand on my wound and closed his eyes. And in a second the pain vanished. The wound was gone.
"How did you do that?" I asked examining my hand.
He hesitated a bit and then answered "I applied some herb which I picked up from the bushes ". That was weird. How did he get the herb? I didn't ask any more questions about the herb.
"Let's go from here. It's not safe" he said.
I tried to get up but it was difficult. That stunt was too much.
"Wait I'll take you," he said carrying me in his arms. He took me to my tent.
"Rest a bit," he said and left.
I tried to close my eyes but the only thing which I could think about was Chris. Why did he say that the creature was his biggest fear? And that herb? Something was wrong . I picked my phone to call my mom. But there was no network. I kept my phone upside down frustrated. I closed my eyes and woke up when I heard Alice shouting.
"What was that?" She cried.
"I don't know. It was so dark. I went there to make a call. And then it attacked me " I heard Monica sobbing.
I got up and brushed my hair with my fingers and went outside.
"Thank God. You are fine" Alice said hugging me. I hugged her back. Monica thanked me and made a place for me to sit.
"Guys I think we should leave," Mark said.
I nodded in agreement.
"We'll leave in the morning," Jake said.
"So do we have to stay here tonight?" Monica said, her hands trembling with fear.
"Guys, don't worry. That creature won't come again." Chris said.
"How do you know ?" I asked suspiciously.
"I know. Nobody can know better than me" he said. I was about to ask that then why the heck did you let all these things happen when Alice changed the topic.
"Chris do you know how to sing?" She said.
"Yes, I do. But why?" He asked.
"Then what are you waiting for... Christmas? Sing for us. At least we can shift our mind for some time". Jake said.
"Maybe Mia can help me with some music," Chris said with a wink.
"Yes, Mia. Take this" Monica said handing me the guitar. I hesitated but then agreed, after all, it was our last day camping.
"Which song are you gonna sing," I asked him.
"You'll understand," he said. Oh god!! One more mystery.
I started playing the guitar. I plucked the strings softly and he waited for the right time to start his song.

"Oh, there she goes again.
Every morning it's the same.
You walk on at my house.
I wanna call out your name.

I want to tell you how beautiful you are from where I'm standing.
You got me thinking about what we could because."
His voice was so relaxing. It was the best thing ever. But ..I recognized this voice. I got a bit distracted but then again started playing, a bit faster.
"It's the song imagination" I heard Monica shouting.
He continued. I stared at him. It felt like he was trying to say something to me with the help of this song.

" I keep craving, craving, you don't know it but it's true.
Can't get my mouth to say the words they want to say to you.
This is typical of love.
Can't wait anymore, I won't wait.
I need to tell you how I feel when I see us together forever."
He kept looking at me. He was singing for me, trying to say something. I smiled and he smiled back.

" In my dreams, you're with me.
We'll be everything I want us to be.
And from there, who knows, maybe this will be the night that we kiss for the first time.
Or is that just me and my imagination."
"Is he talking about his dream?" I thought. It was confusing.
I couldn't stop myself and even I joined him and we both sang together, making the environment better.

"In my dreams, you're with me.
We'll be everything I want us to be.
And from there, who knows, maybe this will be the night that we kiss for the first time.
Or is that just me and my imagination."

He finished singing and I plucked the last string. Everyone stood and clapped for us. He thanked everyone but my gaze was fixed upon him. After some chit chat, everybody went inside their tent. Everybody had forgotten about the incident. I didn't go inside my tent. I was sitting there, looking at the stars, missing Abby so much.
"Hi" I heard someone say.
I turned back and wasn't surprised to see Chris. He came and sat beside me.
"We're you singing that song for me?" I asked. I couldn't handle all these thoughts and wanted to clear it out.
He looked at me and smiled.
"You know, I knew a girl who was everything for me. " He said. "You look exactly like her ." He said tucking my hair behind my ear which was disturbing me. I looked at him, he came forward.
"Mia, I have missed you so much" I heard him say softly.
Before I could have asked him any further questions, he gently kissed me. It didn't last for a long time but it was the most relaxing thing ever.

"And from there, who knows, maybe this will be the night that we kiss for the first time
Or is that just me and my imagination" he sang smiling.
Yes, he was indeed singing it for me, I thought.
To be continued......
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