

ii. the girl in the red dress
[present day]
[scene at the hospital]

she's shaking her leg at a speed.
nervous? i would say, more like anxious.

doctors are entering and exiting the operation theatre. nurses are in haste. trolly wheels gliding across the hall.

[background scene]
few patients' attenders are crying and mourning.
few happy about their discharge.
few worried about their diagnosis
and others just clueless about what next.

"lily, i'm sorry. i should have told you earlier about this but i was worried that you would hate me because i really love you." said Greg sitting next to her in the chairs of the visitors room.

"don't touch me!" she yelled with red teary eyes. "how could you do this to her? she's so young to go through so much Greg."

he fell silent listening to her but didn't move from her side.

[1 hour later]

doctor finally arrives and informs lily that the girl is going to be fine but after being extremely traumatized and hysterical, needs psychiatric help.
lily thanks the doctor and goes in to meet her.


© Rajvik