

Not that innocent
Chapter 4

"...and this is the cafeteria" he said and pointed to the cafeteria.
"So that's the end of the tour. Do you have your locker number?"
"Yes, mr. Brown showed me where my locker is"
"So I should probably get going, I don't wanna be late in my first day of school"
"Yeah" he said quickly "I should probably get going too"
"See you around" she turned around to leave.
"Yep, bye" he said while watching her leave. He had never been that nervous in his life. What if Mark was right what if it's time for him to find a girlfriend. And still if the didn't get together, they can be friends. Why would he want to lose an opportunity like this.

He run to her and softly touched her back.
"Hey, Claire this is your first day here and I was thinking that you could sit with me and my friends at lunch. I mean if you want to"
"Sure that would be great" she smiled at him and left.